usergroups (resolved)

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usergroups (resolved)

Post by freezeman »

wht are usergroups for
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Post by sushi »

:) I take you did receive an Email that you were granted access to a certain usergroup, right?

Usergroups is how we using the phpBB-software handle the authorisations you are having concerning our GC-homepage.

Things like access to certain forums, the right to post/edit/delete your posts as well as admin rights for example are connected to a membership to certain usergroups.

For you as a new member you shouldn't have to worry about that to much, having signed up for an army you are automatically granted access to the usergroup of that army and thus have access to this armies forums and the ability to have your say in there.

The only usergroup that could of interest for you in the near future might be the “votable members” usergroup. A minimum $20 donation entitles you to access the voteables forum for 3 months. Here you can debate with the best of them to your hearts content. If you want some real influence on the way things come about around here then this is where you need to be.
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