Scrim vs Tactical Gamer

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Post by Titi »

I am not an expert, but I think the weak points are about the same as vanilla -> treads > armour plates
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Post by ramboon »

Me personally was shooting the apc straight into the rear, which is usually a weak point , even i could see the shell (sabot) exploding on the APC i needed 10 shells to destroy it( all shells obviously hit). So I guess it has something to do with the latency difference.
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Post by AngelOne »

Hi Guys, I see my name was still down for the scrim, however, it was my fault that I forgot to inform you that I would not be available :oops: . Most of you know I try and attend most things I sign up for, but this is one that I totally boobed on! First time for everyhting.

I am saddened to read in the forum that the final attendance was very poor and I apologies for being aprt of that lack of attendance, but as we keep saying RL comes first and for some of us RL situations change very quickly.

I agree with comments made about having reduced figures with a reserve list waiting in the wings. That way we will not embarrass ourselves. Respect to those who spend THIER time and effort in organising such scrims, and we should ALL (Where possible) try and given them the support they need. I understand the frustration when it falls apart on the day.. :(

We can not change what happend, and I hope, that this will not dent the future willingness of those who are wanting to organise such scrims.
C12:¦1LT - C11:¦TA - C10:¦TA - C9:¦TA - C8:¦Cpt - C7:¦2LT - C6:¦SGT - C5:¦PFC - C4:¦PFC - C3:¦PVT
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Post by Chefcook »

Thank you for organising the scrim, stonie.
I wasnt here, but its allways refreshing to have a challenge between campaigns!

Lets Cook and Roll!
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Post by SSnake_Plissken »

Thanks to Stonie for organizing the scrim, to the FC's and to everyone who showed up and played, and thanks to TG for scrimming with us as well.

We were down a full squad from the start and only lost people as the day went on. If you play a team who has the knowledge and the skill that TG has, on their home turf/mod, you might as well just make the best of it and pluck out the fun in between the beatings wherever possible.
"The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultraviolence."
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Post by Ash2Dust »

Thought I read somewhere that there are specific point to target POE armor on beside front bad, rear good.
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Post by ButchLion »

Well being the oldest member of GC in age not from the start Brummie has that Valor, I think my comments are "Never enter a battle outnumbered unless you have a way of overcoming the odds" Since we didnt seem to have a strategic way of overcoming the odds I would address the future scrims to equalize the teams and have the one with more numbers sub after each round and have a min. number of rounds that would get all players who attend in the game, at least then there couldnt be an excuse of being outnumbered. Some have said that they won with low numbers but we were always a squad behind min. and with that extra squad they were able to overwhelm us and attack us even before we had a chance of setting up a proper defense, which I think happend the time we play the group on Wake Island. Anyway it was still fun for me as being in online gaming since the first massive multi player game was Air Warrior by Kesmai and FighterAce by Microsoft, this game BF2 is a really awesome game and just being in it is a blast for me after fighting the controls of a plane or a vehicle on a 1200 baud modem. Geeeeeessss u guys are lucky lol.
See ya in Da Game, Da Butcher
aka [TRG]Butchvonlio, C4 PFC, C5 PFC, C6 CPL, C7 LTC , C8 Neutral, C9 Kpt., C10 Comodore, C11 lcp, C12 lcp, C13 lcp
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Post by Total_focus_haz »

Next scrim there is talks off having it one map with combined air and armour and the second map infantry only. hopefully that will cater for both sides.

Big clap de clap too Stonie for putting the efforts in and to the Other FC's for forward planning and squad organising and to the players who showed up and gave them hell.
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