The New Year Brings Re-newed Conflict

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The New Year Brings Re-newed Conflict

Post by Shrapnel »

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The calm of the past two weeks was shattered Saturday evening as the UN imposed temporary cease fire between the Red Cossacks and W.I.R.A.F.O.E.C.D. expired. Neither side was willing to negotiate stating that the only solution is the complete withdraw of all opposing forces and dissolution of their parent organization. The UN has re-convened their tribunal but as they continue to discuss possible diplomatic sanctions these armies wage war, claiming control of cities in Northern Africa and Western Russia.
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Following the fall of Djibouti to the Acronym Army two weeks ago, the Red Cossacks struck back in Khartoum, successfully ambushing resupply convy and seizing control of the area.

"We knew the filthy dogs would try to send additional forces to Djibouti" stated Major .Sup of the Red Cossacks. "They are frightened of our mighty leader who has claimed that site for his mistress's winter home. Our plan worked brilliantly and our soldiers fought heroicly seizing the enemies weapons and ammunition. Now their troops are cut off and the folly of their leaders is exposed!"

GC News contacted Colonel Hitman of the Acronym Army for comment. "A re-supply convoy was lost in Khartoum over the weekend. We lost contact with them shortly after they entered the city. We are investigating the incident, although it seems clear that the Red Cossacks were involved. In the future all supply convoys will have a full security compliment with them to ensure their safety."
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Bolstered by their success, the Red Cossacks continued their push westward attempting to secure of the strategic port of Tripoli. However, they met strong resistance discovering that the Acronym Army had already secured the city and was off loading supplies.

"Following the liberation of Khartoum, General Sushi ordered us to secure the port of Tripoli to prevent any future Capitalist soldiers from making their way into Africa." commented Major Chefcook. "Unfortunately we did not arrive quickly enough and the infidels had already sunk their oppressive claws on the city. My soldiers made a valient attempt to rescue the city, but too many of our forces were needed to bring the supplies we siezed in Khartoum back to headquarters. Had the full might of the Chop Shop been there we would have crushed them beneath the treads of our tanks!"

"We had lost contact with a supply convoy that was enroute to Djibouti and were suiting up to go after them when the attack occured" recalled Colonel DukeBelasarius. "That was lucky for us because most of our troops were already geared up when the first shots rang out, enabling them to respond quickly. They succeeded in putting down the resistance but several of our vehicles were damaged prohibiting us from going after our guys in Khartoum. Repairs are already underway."
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In Western Russia W.I.R.A.F.O.E.C.D. quick response teams continued their anti-militant actions attempting to clear out the remaining RED BEAR squads operating in the region. They began their operations in Sebastopol shoring up their northern resupply route to the Middle East.

"The action in Sebastopol secured the overland logistics route from the Middle East to Europe" said Captain Von_Haz. "This was vital, not only for supplying our troops on the front lines but for importing oil from the region. The Suez Canal is still locked down forcing tankers to go around the southern tip of Africa. Today our troops opened up another route for the oil to get to Europe, hopefully gas prices will finally start to come down."

Vowing to put an end to Western oil price gouging Major Goggles responded with the following. "The West thinks they have won, but the lengths they will go to to satisfy their obssessive consumption of oil only shows the world their true corruption! My Immortal Guard is planning an attack so destructive that the world will tremble at the mention of our name!"
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The Acronym Army continued their anti-militant actions in Moscow where they had gotten word of a potential attack on the city's subway system.

"After the battle in Tehran, our agents uncovered documents detailing a plot by the Red Cossacks to fill the Moscow Subway with acid" explained General Brummie. "I wasted no time in dispatching my troops to ensure that did not happen. We were fortunate to get there when we did as a RED BEAR squad was already in the subway system when we arrived. My soldiers did an outstanding job of stopping this attack and then cleaning up the mess. We outfitted them all with full face shields, they were fine."

When contacted for a response General Sushi said, "Obviously the swine must have planted that document in Tehran. My troops assured me they cleaned up all our documents before we left...some one will answer for this."

The fighting rages on and the areas currently uneffected by the violence are growing increasingly concerned that they will be drawn into this conflict in the coming weeks. It does seem inevitable as it is clear that neither of these armies is willing to back down. The world watches in anticipation of what will happen next.
[sig]Broken due to link being older than I am (in internet years at least) and laziness[/sig]
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Re: The New Year Brings Re-newed Conflict

Post by Total_focus_haz »

Great reading again shraps keep up the good work...
Posts: 132
Joined: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:23 pm

Re: The New Year Brings Re-newed Conflict

Post by bitesizebeef »

I especially enjoyed reading the quotes from goggles
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Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2011 11:40 am

Re: The New Year Brings Re-newed Conflict

Post by julafreak »

mistresses winter home.. LOL
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