- You are free to post links to/embed your videos here. This is a space for media to be shared, do not engage in discussions between armies!
- When recording/streaming, please put a *R* in front of your name in TeamSpeak so other people can know they are being recorded.
- If you post only highlights or edited videos, try not to be disrespectful to the other army (e.g. "Look at me pwning these noobs!").
- Consult with your High Command to see if you can post any videos that have sensitive information, like talk about the army's tactics or general strategy. One suggestion would be to mute the audio track and put some free music over it.
- If you usually stream the battledays, post the link in this thread and your channel will be included in the home page, showing up when online. Just make sure to delay the stream for at least 1 minute and to mute it if there's sensitive information being shared.
- If you are new to recording/streaming we have a playlist with some tutorials and you can find recommended encoding settings here.