Elite Dangerous: Arena (CQC to any long time players, to whom this post is entirely irrelevant) is currently FREE on steam for this weekend. Unlike most "Free weekends", if you download ED:Arena during this period, you will get to KEEP the game to play whenever you want. Any owners of standard ED shouldn't get this, you can access Arena from ingame and it playing it that fashion will earn you credits and Arena rank for the full game.
ED: Arena is kind of an equivalent to the "Starfighter Module" for Star Citizen. Instead of playing across the entire universe, you play in very small complex arenas with and against other players to fulfil certain objectives. At the moment there are 3 modes (all PvP only), Deathmatch, TDM, and Capture the Flag. As you rank up (not hard) you get access to some more ships and loadouts, I think in total there are about 6 ships you can fly in Arena.
If you're at all interested in Elite Dangerous, I think that this is a good way to see if you'll like the flight mechanics and such. The gameplay of the full game is pretty much completely different except for some combat basics. It is currently pretty poorly reviewed on steam - quite fairly. I think paying for this little module, given how unpolished and overall contentless it is makes it completely a worthless purchase, but for the good old price of FREE you should give it a go. We can maybe group up and play some over the weekend.
Elite Dangerous: Arena. Free to KEEP this weekend.
Moderator: Executive