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Re: How did you think of your forum/battlelog nickname

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:39 pm
by CekiHappy
Yes do it and give it to everyone in our army only!

Re: How did you think of your forum/battlelog nickname

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:45 pm
by s0urce
well...I would know the principle of how to do it...but without any programing skills and using only macros/simple scripts it won´t be possible....sorry guys ;)

Re: How did you think of your forum/battlelog nickname

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:37 pm
by Stonie
Ohh wow what a thread. Seeing some of the old veterans posting. Awesome initiative Sup.

So here my story. Before GC I used to play BF1942 with a friend, and since I sucked at it I called myself PrivateNoob.
After a few games I was invited to a clan, where I was called noob all the time, which confused me, was it because the called out for my help, or because I did something stupid.

Once BF2 came out my clan died and I went to look for a new place, so I found GC, and I was wondering what name I should pick. As I smoke to much weed I was staring at the sign up screen of GC and my girlfriend came home, while I was puffing away, she tabbed me on the shoulder and said: " everything ok?...Stonie Tony..."

So PrivateS.tonie was born. It work out for my first campain, the last two battles of BF2 campaign 2.
In Campaign 3 I was promoted to lieutenant, LT PrivateS.tonie didnot worked out to good either. So not very long after that my name was changed to Stonie, which I still carry proudly.