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What are the server settings for matches?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:50 am
by Triumph
As the title says, do we have stuff like SL spawns only, no kill cam etc? One would hope so, but I figured I'd check.

Re: What are the server settings for matches?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:16 am
by Henidhor
-80% health
-Friendly Fire On
-SL spawn only
-3D Spotting On
-Kill Cam Off
~150% tickets IIRC
-Normalish Vehicle Spawn

Re: What are the server settings for matches?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:28 am
by Triumph
Shoot all the doritos!

What about regenerating health? On or off?

Re: What are the server settings for matches?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:29 am
by haruky
Also, no health regen.

And welcome to GC!

Re: What are the server settings for matches?

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 11:39 am
by Ash2Dust
Vehicle spawn Normal
Tickets 200%
Man Down Time 150%
3rd person camera On
# Making sure punkbuster is running

# Ranked Setting
vars.ranked "false"

# Full unlocks (all/common/stats/none)
vars.unlockMode "all"

# Password
vars.gamepassword "$$game_passwd$$"

# Auto balance the teams? (true/false)
vars.AutoBalance "false"

# How many players to start the round (int)
vars.roundStartPlayerCount "1"

# Minimum players before a current around aborts (int)
vars.roundRestartPlayerCount "1"

# Friendly fire enabled? (true/false)
vars.friendlyFire "true"

# Regenerate injured soldiers health (true/false)
vars.regenerateHealth "false"

# Show a snapshot of the kill after death (true/false)
vars.killCam "false"

# Enable the minimap in-game (true/false)
vars.miniMap "true"

# When enabled, displays the HUD (true/false)
vars.hud "true"

# Show the cross hair on screen (true/false)
vars.crossHair "true"

# when set, spotted targets are marked with icons (true/false)
vars.3dSpotting "true"

# When set, spotted targets are marked on the minimap (true/false)
vars.miniMapSpotting "true"

# Nametags on players heads? (true / false)
vars.nameTag "true"

# When set, third person vehicle cameras are enabled. (true/false)
vars.3pCam "true"

# Enables and Disables vehicles in-game (true/false)
vars.vehicleSpawnAllowed "true"

# If vehicles are enabled, sets the percentage of spawn rate (int)
vars.vehicleSpawnDelay "100"

# Maximum health in percentage (0-100 (int))
vars.soldierHealth "80"

# Player spawn time percentage (int)
vars.playerRespawnTime "100"

# Controls man-down time percentage (int)
vars.playerManDownTime "150"

# Bullet damage in percent (0-100 (int))
vars.bulletDamage "100"

# When set, players can only spawn on the squad leader (true/false)
vars.onlySquadLeaderSpawn "true"

# Kick players for idling (set to 0 to disable (int))
vars.idleTimeout "0"

# Adjust the length of the game as a percentage (int)
vars.gameModeCounter "200"

# Number of team kills allowed before being kicked (set to 0 to disable (int)
vars.teamKillCountForKick "0"

# End of configuration