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Blue screen of Death

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:19 pm
by SpyHunter
I tried to log into BF2 today and the computer froze for like 5 minutes. Then my whole computer shutdown and rebooted. Then the blue screen of death. Then it restarted again!! I don't know if it's my computer or BF2 or both. I think I might uninstall and reinstall BF2. I hope that works.

Anybody else get this prob? This just started happening after months of normal BF2 play.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 4:38 pm
by Hashey
I have something which is kinda like that. Had it since this week. When i respawn or step out of a vehicle, i hear an awfull sound on my headset and when its gone, my pc reboots. Also i keep getting more and more screenlag(if i walk, screen takes damn longer to show) since this week. Probably started after tuesdays NA Spec ops battle. I have it on pubs and also at battledays.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 7:43 pm
by RamRod
I'm with you on the Blue screan's been happening at least once everytime I play BF2 and only BF2. I've got an older system so I attribute it to either heat up or just that Bf2 overtaxes my system to the point it needs a break.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 8:11 pm
by DaGrooved1
I've been experiencing crashes with Bf2 where my headset or speakers began making these horrible high pitched crackling screetch sounds, then my PC reboots, but I haven't had that in a while, my only problem right now with BF2 is that I can't host or play single player games, with EA it's one problem to the next.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 9:19 pm
by Monk
Check the PC heat.
Sometimes it takes a 3D intense game like BF2 to get the inside of your case and componants really cookin.

Also, make sure your powersupply is putting out the juice that it needs to. (Not like you can trust the sticker on the side of most power supplys)

Just a few ideas.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 9:42 pm
by RamRod
Yeah, rodger that Monk. My power supply is border line I know and I took my side panel off my PC and have a house fan blowing on I'm a cheap bastard. Someday I'll break down and buy that dream machine. Priced it the other day....almost 3k 8O (more like a nightmare)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:33 pm
by DaGrooved1
Intersting thing happened tonight...

Good News:
BF2 solved every problem my PC had...

Bad News:
BF2 managed to crash so bad it wiped an entire hdd creating 120gb of unpartitioned space forcing me to reformat my PC and lose loads of stuff.

Hopefully I'll recover, right now I'm in 640x480 resolution, on internet explorer, with nothing to do... :( Oh well

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 6:23 am
by SpyHunter
DAMN! Sorry to hear that man!

Recently, the game has been shutting down and or, restarting my computer on its own. I seriously think it's the patch doing all this.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:23 am
by spesknight
I noticed that after the patch, when I enter on a map for the first time, it takes a few seconds to my pc to work at the normal speed. Maybe they added some high cpu-cost calculation (checksum or something like that) at that moment, and that may cause problems to a slow cpu.

I also noticed now the games tend to take a lot of virtual memory, and this may lead to failures for a pc with little hard disk space.

I hope they will solve these problem soon with a new patch or a fix...
But I'm not very sure about that :?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:27 pm
by Ash2Dust
They have seemed to shift some processes to finish while you are in game. As for virtual memory. Turn your graphics setting down to low detail and see how much virtual memory the game uses then.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:52 pm
by Stonie
All details low........

But still it takes forever to verifing and then the a few minutes huge lags.....
But when it finnaly runs, its running propely. Then the round is to end :(
I'm hoping for a server with 2500 Tickets (BF42 DC Lost village) :P

I also thought that it was my system, But I hear more people complaining.
So I take it for granted and enjoy the gameplay.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:16 pm
by Yorp
no problems here, not before and not after the patch.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:19 pm
by Ash2Dust
Verify seems to do alot of file hashing which is affected by your memory and hard drive. A defrag may help a little. Keep pushing the graphic detail up until you almost run into Virtual Memory. I run 1GB memory and wish I had 2, but that wont happen until I can afford a new mb and cpu.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:14 pm
by DaGrooved1
Ok, this is really pissing me off. I am having the same monitor killing, hdd munching, grinding, screetching crashes that I had before. I have no clue what's causing them. The last time I had these crashes I didn't bother to look into anything, and continued to restart my PC, and go back into BF2, but that lead to a huge crash that wiped my PC, ash2dust said it could be a virus, which I agree with, because I've never heard of a game causing a PC to wipe itself, but I only just finished recovering from my last reformat, and I don't even think I've had enough time to contract a virus, but I've being doing virus and spyware scans, found nothing, fooled with my video/sound cards, still nothing. I'm pretty sure it's not a temperature thing because I can play AOE III for 14 hours straight, leave CoD running all night, and nothing happens, I left BF2 running, left the room, came back 3 hours later and it the monitor was off and the speakers were screetching. There is also a handy LCD display on my tower and it shows all my temps in the clear. BF2 has got my nerves shot, everytime these crashes happen the first thing that goes through my mind is "OMFG ITS GOING TO REFORMAT AHHH!" then when the "Please Wait, Loading Windows XP" appears I'm like "THANK YOU GOD!", I'm not sure how much more of that I can take.

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:52 am
by sushi
8O no problems on my side, I never had blue screens, not with 1 GiG nor with the 2 Gigs I am running now.

(DaG I will post some AOE III questions in the Tavern, please have a look.
EDIT: here)