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Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:38 pm
by mrBLUE9
GCTV presents:

From the Scrim that happened on the 16th of March here are four POVs, on the Kiasar Railroad map, 1st round. With commentaries from Daskro and Dan1mall. Video production by Daskro. This is the first part, the second one is coming soon. Hope you guys enjoy!

POVs used: LoA, Dan1mall, Jokerle and Madsgyver.

phpBB [video]


Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:49 pm
by ZebraPeps


Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 4:53 pm
by BanzaiLang
Great job! Can't wait to see more. :thumbup:


Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:23 am
by TacticalVirus
If we can get multiple PoVs from Death Valley Round 1, that might make a good video. A tight 20-ticket round with lots of surges back and forth for both sides should make for a good video.


Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:26 am
by jddes
That was awesome, thanks to Daskro and Dan1mal for taking the time to do this and to the guys that recorded their rounds.This will also make great publicity for GC. I would gladly help with some footage but my ISP enforces terrible datacaps so I can't afford the bandwidth.

I really enjoy your commentaries Daskro and I like to see you improving the format over time. Multicam is a really interesting concept although sometimes it can get a bit hard to follow the action. I would like to have a little more information about the higher level battle (who's capping what, what big pushes are happening where), but I know that would be hard to do with just 1st person footage.

Hopefully we get more official tools for things like this in bf4!


Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:42 am
by mrBLUE9
TacticalVirus wrote:If we can get multiple PoVs from Death Valley Round 1, that might make a good video. A tight 20-ticket round with lots of surges back and forth for both sides should make for a good video.
This was more of a trial-run, in the future we are certainly aiming at more 'entertaining' rounds, with close tickets count. But it depends on the availability of POV's, we need at least four to do a MultiCam. So I'd like to take this opportunity to again encourage everyone to record! Even if you don't upload it, keep it for a week or two in your hard drive in case we choose a specifically round for the series so then we can just call out for guys to upload it.


Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:58 am
by Phyrefli
TacticalVirus wrote:If we can get multiple PoVs from Death Valley Round 1, that might make a good video. A tight 20-ticket round with lots of surges back and forth for both sides should make for a good video.
Have got my POV from that round recorded (didn't upload it as I played terribly). Will upload it tonight and post the link up.


Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:37 am
by KoffeinFlummi
I agree on Death Valley. In general, the closer, the better.


Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:44 am
by Kuchenfari
Aside from Jokerle being written with an L, Robawillis not being called Robowillis and Madsguyver not being called Madguyser, the commentary was pretty nice. Looking forward to the next ones :)


Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:03 pm
by Jokerle
Kuchenfari wrote:Aside from Jokerle being written with an L, Robawillis not being called Robowillis and Madsguyver not being called Madguyser, the commentary was pretty nice. Looking forward to the next ones :)

My name could be correct, a small l often look like an capital I depending on the font, that is used.

all in all: :clap:


Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:26 am
by Phyrefli
TacticalVirus wrote:If we can get multiple PoVs from Death Valley Round 1, that might make a good video. A tight 20-ticket round with lots of surges back and forth for both sides should make for a good video.
Here's my POV from that round:


Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:21 am
by daskro
Please post the following POVs guys:
04/06 Aborz Mountains round - The one that was really close
04/06 Strike at Karkand round - The one that LOD won by 50 tickets
04/06 End Game Desert Map - The second round where KART won but with lots of gimmie points trading!

I have my povs for the last two but I I need more, post them!!

Also here's part 2
phpBB [video]


Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:39 am
by TheYonderGod
Dang, between me showing up late, forgetting to start recording at the beginning of a round, and my hard drive getting full, I don't have any of those :/ I thought 80GB would be enough for a battle day but apparently not. Cleaned out all my old footage so I have about 800gb free now though.


Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:42 am
by Sarantini
Got frame drops so this is the only round I recorded from those three
im the dropship ifv/aa jeep driver
Can you download it from stream or should I upload it to yt


Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 10:01 am
by AdmiralGiggles
daskro wrote:Please post the following POVs guys:
04/06 Aborz Mountains round - The one that was really close
04/06 Strike at Karkand round - The one that LOD won by 50 tickets
04/06 End Game Desert Map - The second round where KART won but with lots of gimmie points trading!

I have my povs for the last two but I I need more, post them!!

Also here's part 2
phpBB [video]
Here is my POV of Karkand in 1080p (YT might still be processing):
But i suggest you don't use my audio track.