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Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 5:02 pm
by CekiHappy
Thanks to a gracious donor who deeply admires a popular british hot drink, I now have access to the AVENGER!!! SO STRONK. fyi though, that form thats in the first post in this thread doesn't include the avengar as an option, so I just put the next best thing.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:47 am
by matsif

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:58 am
by TCZapper
Not a fan of
Keep in in mind that while players can come and go as they please, they can join only one organization at a time.
I guess my preferred implementation would be a type of organization that has no gameplay impact but you can join as many as you want.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:53 am
by Jokerle
Who will found our organization? And what role? Should we change the default ranks?

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:23 am
by matsif
Jokerle wrote:Soooo....
Who will found our organization? And what role? Should we change the default ranks?
I'm thinking to role we just leave it unlisted as "organization" since there's a bunch of people who want to do a bit of everything in our group as it stands. Those "roles" listed on there really have no meaning if I'm understanding what I'm reading anyways.

As to ranks, in truth it sounds like we could give every member his own rank if we wanted to (although that's a bit out of hand). I'd say we take 2-3 people from here to be "leaders," 4-5 to be "officers," and fill the rest into "member" or something similar (isn't that how war thunder does it?). We'll have to see how the website tool works before we get too deep into it though.
TCZapper wrote:Not a fan of
Keep in in mind that while players can come and go as they please, they can join only one organization at a time.
I guess my preferred implementation would be a type of organization that has no gameplay impact but you can join as many as you want.
yeah it sucks for people with friends in completely different communities that don't play together, but then again I don't know of an MMO in existence (be it something like world of tanks or something like WoW/EvE) where you could be in multiple organizations at the same time.

Maybe they'll allow multiple alliances for 1 organization to join, in which case we could make a "friends of GC" alliance that would have no bearing on gameplay but allow us to bring in the other various communities that will be playing the game that some GC players belong to.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:08 am
by TCZapper
I think my main issue is that organizations seem to be the thing that every gaming community will have, and then you're being forced to pick one to be a part of. I think organizations would be massively improved if they weren't centered gaming communities but more goal-oriented. Having a separate clan system for things like gaming communities would mean we could have a GC clan, and then have some GC guys in a pirate organization and others in a trading organization. It keeps the feeling of being a community without feeling like we have to play the same way.

On a separate note I bought my 325A :)

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:22 am
by matsif
As to GC organization, I'm gonna expand on my above post on how I think we should go about doing this, since we have such a varying group of people who want to participate in different things, exploring pretty much all aspects of what is believed to be involved in the game.

In a "sandbox" esque game such as this where multiple options present themselves as to what a player can/wants to do, I think we need a bit more top level org to split up people who want to do certain things. I see 4 categories that imo cover all of the bases:
1) legal combat: fighting for the "good" side. Things like bounty hunting, military action, and general combat go here.
2) industry and commerce: mining, creation, and economics. Also legal goods transport, salvaging wrecks, and the like.
3) exploration: self-explanatory really, depends on how the game does it.
4) illegal: piracy, smuggling, and living the good, free life.

So, now we need ranks to fill out the roles. The article says we can have 6 ranks, so I'd go this route, setting the organizational roles (things like accepting recruits, declaring war, running the org bank, etc) as side-grades of rank 0, and having the top 2 ranks (4 and 5) be officer and leader respectively:
0) member: someone who doesn't care what they do or just joined
1) soldier: someone who plays for combat and doesn't care about much else
2) engineer: explorers, industrials, etc who don't want org responsibility and don't care about much else
3) pirate: yarr!
4) officer: organizes small-scale ops and does lower-end upkeep of org
5) leader: organizes org-wide ops and does top level upkeep of org

Every member can have a subgroup "role" in the org as well. So if I was a leader rank, I could have "Grand Admiral of Piracy, Swashbuckling, Smuggling, and All Things Nefarious" as my org role. Someone who was 2nd in command of exploration teams could be Commander Riker. Things of that sort.


Also, yes I volunteer to be Grand Admiral of Piracy, Swashbuckling, Smuggling, Rum Drinking, and All Things Nefarious.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:39 am
by Calloutman
I think we should go with the "Organisation" route.

I like the general proposed structure, and although I don't think we need three levels of rank considering the number of people we have playing in GC, it'll be a good provision if the organisation grows.

Proposed Organisation name: GC Fleet
matsif wrote:Also, yes I volunteer to be Grand Admiral of Piracy, Swashbuckling, Smuggling, Rum Drinking, and All Things Nefarious.
I support this!

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:04 am
by SeraphiM0352
if its really a big deal why dont we just have The GC Alliance and different role based organizations within it.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:35 am
by matsif
SeraphiM0352 wrote:if its really a big deal why dont we just have The GC Alliance and different role based organizations within it.
that thought had occurred to me as well, and honestly it would make it easier to have 4 different orgs under 1 banner for further sub-organization, but considering we only have like maybe 30 people tops (per the sign up form and people active in this thread) it would be kinda pointless to divide ourselves that much. we also don't know if alliances as an actual in-game structure is going to exist, the org post makes no mention of that.

lets say down the road we end up with 100 people playing with GC and we want to go that route, then yes it's probably better to have GC Paramilitary, GC Industrial, GC Science & Exploration, and GC Syndicate (for lack of better terms) under 1 GC Corporation Alliance banner, but I'd be willing to bet if we went that route at this point given our sign-ups we'd get like 2 people for exploration, 2 for industrial, and then like 16 for legal combat things and 10 for illegal activities, which isn't a great balance considering we don't know how the game is going to function yet.

We can always go ahead and do the whole alliance thing if (when it is released) it seems like a better approach.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:55 pm
by Tea-Assault
I really just want to be the sneakiest pirate, gliding through open space, finding stuff to steal.. so sign me up for the pirate flotilla Grand Admiral Matsif! 8)

Edit: Just upgraded the ghost hornet's weapons arsenal from the weedy basic laser repeaters, so now I have two huge laser repeaters to go on top of the weedy repeaters.. I hope that not firing these weapons means that you keep you're stealth signature low, so that you can sneak really close to a target, then go weapons hot and frak the stealth and BOOM then run away for your weapons to cool off and stealth to take over once more.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:16 pm
by TCZapper
Well, aside from the name, is there any reason we couldn't just do a complete overhaul at release (or alpha, or beta, etc.)? If there's no reason not to wait, just go as simple as possible.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:38 pm
by matsif
TCZapper wrote:Well, aside from the name, is there any reason we couldn't just do a complete overhaul at release (or alpha, or beta, etc.)? If there's no reason not to wait, just go as simple as possible.
probably the best option at this point as we have no idea how it will function in play, but we should get some of the groundwork out of the way beforehand and make the changes as necessary (if necessary).

This is relatively simple to plan out honestly, just need a bit of group consensus on the matter.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:09 pm
by matsif
Just found this site for playing with loadouts on ships with known infos. It's not perfect but it's kinda cool if you enjoy playing with these sorts of things. I know I spent hours using the EvE ship loadout tools to make ships that I never got just because I found it cool.

It's not fully complete yet (both ships and modules), but it's something to play with.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:29 am
by Chefcook
I think, the best way to have the "GC Fleet" is just to be a trick of all treats.
A bit piracy, a bit legal work, a bit exploring and some trading.

I for myself cant tell what i want to do. Maybe some of all. Depends on the ships i will buy.... INGAME. (you guys are all insane, because the ships you buy with real money can be bought with normal "grinding")...

Ranking idea:
Group leader
Decision Maker
and Chief of it all

we just need fancy names for it.

GC Fleet is still the best name for the whole thing....