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Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:44 pm
by Calloutman
I agree that I don't want to cut myself off from legit forms of gameplay, that said, piracy does sound awfully fun :roll:. I guess we'll have to see how things work out and how the ingame mechanics of bounties/reputation function.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 5:37 pm
by matsif
yeah it's going to weigh heavily on the reputation mechanics. I wouldn't want to screw up someone else's game because myself and tea assault and calloutman decided to raid a starfarer to get more fuel for an exploration run, but at the same time the thrill of boarding and such makes piracy very tempting.

we'll have to see how it goes. but I'm just as excited to do a deep space exploration op with a GC crew as a combat op.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 5:48 pm
by matsif
oops, I missed a TFTC yesterday:

-FPS stuff probably going to first be shown at Gamescom. and some discussion of weapon force while wearing magnetic boots
-you'll be able to review NPC "resumes" to see what they are best at in order to fill out your NPC crew team, with a craigslist style hiring board and yelp style review system.
-discussion of the CIG-Crytek relationship in creating the customized CryEngine that SC is using. They are pretty open about sharing ideas/tech.
-bit of discussion on player created "missions," such as escort, item courier, bounties, etc
-discussion of how they are going to allow CIG-sold UEC for real money, but keeping it not pay to win with limits and such. along with a later question about how things are getting funded later after release.
-discussion of large scale battles with refueling and repairing and such
-possibility of using arena commander and racing and others as an esports media, and some discussion of how CR could see it implemented
-ships will most likely be able to be named however you like, but unique naming is on the table as well
-some discussion of early plans for scientific analysis and such

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 4:33 am
by Chefcook
I could just accept the bounty on all your pirate scum heads.
And then let it slide for ... lets say... a small fee? ;)

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:23 am
by haruky
Chefcook wrote:I could just accept the bounty on all your pirate scum heads.
And then let it slide for ... lets say... a small fee? ;)
I am also thinking about doing a bit of bounty hunting myself. It sounds like it'd be a lot of fun to do some exploring and go after the bad guys. To be honest, I just want to be a Space Cowboy...

Man, I am getting more and more excited the closer to DFM release.. it's supposed to be tomorrow!!!

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:36 am
by SeraphiM0352
haruky wrote:
I am also thinking about doing a bit of bounty hunting myself. It sounds like it'd be a lot of fun to do some exploring and go after the bad guys. To be honest, I just want to be a Space Cowboy...

Man, I am getting more and more excited the closer to DFM release.. it's supposed to be tomorrow!!!
Can i be the Jet to your Spike? :P

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 3:59 pm
by CekiHappy
In preparation for the dfm, i updated and hopped into my hanger to check on my Avenger again, still looks awesome. However, I still can't use the Avengers guns in the Mounted Turret thingy. Anyone know if its just not ready, or if thats just a bug on my side?

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 5:17 pm
by Tea-Assault
when you take off the gun from your ship, take the mount (the hockey puck thing) with it to the test range. Then take the hockey puck that is standard on the test arm off, and replace it with the puck you took off the avenger. then you should be able to able to able to mount tht tht gun to it :D

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 5:31 pm
by matsif
new WMH:

-short episode once again, and also 2nd to last episode
-talk of how the vanduul swarm single player mode is going to work
-DFMv1 will only have pre-configured ships, with the ability to edit loadouts being added on later. they want to check specific balances and such before they allow custom specs.
-missiles on smaller ships will be better than the hornet's, but the hornet has more in DFMv1. they tried to balance stuff out to be more fair overall rather than just saying that the hornet is better than the aurora
-there is going to be 3 ships in DFMv1. They didn't say which. I'm guessing at hornet, aurora, and 300 series (everyone can fly a hornet).
-limited control customization at release of DFM, but they want the most stable build possible at first round.
-hangars will have more rooms in the future, asteroid hangar is first iteration
-talking about 8 starting planets for players, with large stacks of "hangar areas" to pick from

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 5:32 pm
by matsif
CekiHappy wrote:In preparation for the dfm, i updated and hopped into my hanger to check on my Avenger again, still looks awesome. However, I still can't use the Avengers guns in the Mounted Turret thingy. Anyone know if its just not ready, or if thats just a bug on my side?
avenger's weapons currently are unavailable in the Mounted Turret thingy (as you so eloquently put it). I have one, they just aren't there to grab. Just hasn't been updated to the same level as other ships yet as far as grabbing weapons.

Arena Commander Delayed

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:21 pm
by haruky
Bad news everyone. Arena Commander has been delayed: ... r-V8-Delay

Good news that they're not releasing it when it's so unstable. Bad news b/c we all really wanted to play it.

@Seraphim: Heck. Yes!!! (You can be my Faye... :wink:

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:47 pm
by CekiHappy

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:22 am
by matsif
really not terribly surprised after doing a spot on QA testing in WMH last week. kinda had a bad feeling about it. at least they gave us a list that's critical/blocking of progress, would still rather have something that generally works more than has huge glaring bugs in it.

just avoid the general discussion forums on the SC site. my god, the entitlement of these children. the reigning feeling of people wanting refunds or something in compensation or theorizing that they just delayed it to get it out at E3 is just cringe-worthy.

edit: little birds who have chatroll logs told me that they expect the delay to be days, not weeks.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:50 am
by zorplex


That is all.

Edit: Sorry for this totally unhelpful post. I've been checking on this thread since the PAX East demo. Every since that went rather badly, I've felt like we were in for a long line of delays. I come to this thread every so often to check on the status so I don't have to wade through all the material CIG manages to pump out. It's rather unfortunate that while they have such a polished site and good communication with their community, they can't seem to get a playable demo out.

For those not keeping track, the "multiplayer space combat Alpha" was scheduled for 12 mo. into development (from the November 2012 project funding date) and the Star Citizen Beta, open galaxy exploration, at 20-22 months. We're now 19 months into the project and are hopefully going to get the "Alpha" (aka Dog Fighting Module) by month 20. I realize that plans and program scheduling are often best guesses and delays are inevitable, but it seemed to me, for quite some time now, that as they got continued income from the community, they started suffering from terrible feature creep.

I know they were going to get capital from investors if the crowd funding hadn't gone so well and we'd likely be in the same situation regardless. But failing to deliver a product using capital provided by investors who are willing to take on risk for eventual profit has much different connotations than using money freely provided by a public who is taking everything on "faith". Maybe I'm just being impatient and "good things come to those who wait" will win out in the end.

Back in 2012 when Star Citizen was announced, I dreamed of using an Occulus Rift (now bought out by Facebook) to pilot an awesome virtual space ship sim (which keeps getting delayed). Is that so much to ask? :(

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:53 am
by Tea-Assault
I spent about 5 hours on chatroll between yesterday and today, matsif you are so right about the entitled romping around complaining everywhere they can.. there are forumites flooding the chat every minute