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Update your Steam to beta, streaming is now a thing

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:59 pm
by CekiHappy

Tried it out yesterday with cancel-man and snoopnoop, it's pretty solid in it's own way but certainly no twitch competitor, yet. Though there's literally no setup necessary (and unfortunately barely any setup options yet) so it's very easy for the average user to turn on and stream.

Re: Update your Steam to beta, streaming is now a thing

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:28 pm
by Gwynzer
If you see me playing Hatoful Boyfriend or any Bestheda Game please do not tune in. The mods I am running are private and not for you to see!

Re: Update your Steam to beta, streaming is now a thing

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:32 pm
by cancel_man
To me the coolest part about this is I can look at my friend's list and see somebody's playing a game I'm interested in. I can click on "Watch Now" and that friend gets my request to watch them play; assuming they choose to allow it, I can watch their gameplay live and chat with them. When you're playing you can also invite a friend to watch. Really cool ability for private/friend level sharing of the gaming experience - like the old days of hanging out at a friend's house watching him play Zelda.
CekiHappy wrote:no twitch competitor, yet.
On technology and usability, it's way ahead of Twitch. Super simple to set up (no additional software/hardware), modern HTML5 video stream and player, better quality, and steam overlay integration.

Twitch allows for way more customization of your content & monetization plus clip recording, but I don't think Steam is going to compete in the "Pro Streamer" market- they're providing it as a feature for their community that helps them sell games, as opposed to Twitch's ad based revenue that relies on broadcasters to get eyes on ads.