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Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 7:06 pm
by Jokerle
Derp derp

I was having fun playing bf3 with couple of you guys 1h ago and then *peng* everything black. Whole house at least no power. Man this sucks! Now all I can do is go sleeping.....

Good to have a smartphone and mobile internet.
Hope this is fixed when I wake up.

Any really bad blackouts you had? (Well this one is just inconvenient, not 'bad')

Re: blackout

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 8:53 pm
by Digz
for snowolf- it wasnt the comet....

Re: blackout

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 10:44 pm
by StarfisherEcho
Hurricane Sandy took out my power for a week. I posted short cryptic messages back to STAR and burned precious cell phone power checking for battleday updates. Thankfully Cheesy was around to handle stuff.

Worst part was getting power and internet back on Friday... only to have them turn off the internet on Saturday through Sunday. Almost lost my crap on that one.

Re: blackout

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 12:02 am
by BanzaiLang
Lost power on that one weekend when Star attacked Gladius' Noshar HQ. I was really looking forward to that attack so that was kind of lame but I was more worried about the cold than anything else (it was a blizzard that knocked out the power). I checked battlelog via phone and cheered for my comrades anyway though. Wild weather happens whatcha goin to do

Re: blackout

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 5:51 am
by undrt0w
meeh....i used to leave in a apartment building that didn't have all the proper papers so, one sunny day 2 years ago the bad municipality guys came and cut-off the power. I had to stay with my gf for that time before the new apartment was ready. Hence, the long absence. Still, the building doesn't have all the permits and the apartment just rots there.

Re: blackout

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:41 am
by Necromancer
und3rt0w wrote:the bad municipality guys came and cut-off the power.
although it creates a lot of problems, it is illeagal to cut off the power here, as it is essential for life.
after the municipality cut off power/water and some people died because of it, there was a prosecution filed and the court forbid the municipality to cut water and electricity no matter what.
it is also almost impossible to kick someone out of your house if he isn't paint rent for similar reasons.

Re: blackout

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 3:10 am
by undrt0w
this is a great law actually. i don't want to go to details but there were a lot of old guys living in the building and they didn't have anywhere to go like me. now, most of them are not amongst the living. i can't say its because of the power cut but it definitely helped.

for the rent its kinda of a bummer since i guess it gets abused a lot. why should u rent if the guy that lives doesn't pay and there is nothing u can do about it ?