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Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:23 am
by undrt0w
i'd like to see the responses as well but maybe you can keep it anonymous for us.

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:53 am
by TacticalVirus
Necromancer wrote:Id rather not.
Plz tell before you allow everyone to see that so i can edit before its freely available.
This is why there's a strong leaning among those trained monkeys to not just publish a link to the responses. It's clear by some of the responses, and from common sense, that a certain level of privacy was expected from this form. We're trying to figure out the best way to 'protect' the people that answered expecting privacy, while also sharing as much of it as possible in order for the community to be inclusive and transparent.

I'm sure we'll wind up stepping on toes regardless...

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:45 am
by Necromancer
you can't know what fields one does not want to expose.

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:00 am
by sushi
True, its about reliability. We can't run a survey with our members expecting to keep it anonymous and than change the survey-rules thereafter.

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:13 am
by solmartig
sushi25 wrote:True, its about reliability. We can't run a survey with our members expecting to keep it anonymous and than change the survey-rules thereafter.
OFC you can, you are the goverment, you can do whatever you want :mrgreen:

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:18 am
by Gwynzer
From what I hear, 90% of the responses to the "How Satisfied Are You With TAs" question makes mention of Robawillis' very alarming weight. The 90% ratio may or may not be due to the amount of fake responses I created for the survey making mention of it.

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:31 am
by StarfisherEcho
The GC super computers are running overtime to process and delete Gwynzer's various fake penises. The true penis has yet to be found.

One thing I would like to point out is that many or all of the questions on the form have corresponding threads in the Supporting Members forum for public discussion. If you are interested in any of these topics, please post or make a new thread if nothing quite fits. We'd very much like to see a robust debate on all of the questions posed in the survey.

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:08 am
by Spreez
The discussion is also on the table to have a more open and relaxed version of these questions to use for public release. Meaning we would run this survey again with prior knowledge that everything will be made public.

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:20 am
by InsanityRocks
Well, whether or not I 'knew' my answers would remain private or public, the fact remains my 'name' was required, so I knew I wasn't answering anonymously.

Unless the rest of you used fake names, but that's another issue, right?

I think if we want Anonymous Surveys, don't require a name, real or not.

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:35 am
by solmartig
insanityrocks wrote:Well, whether or not I 'knew' my answers would remain private or public, the fact remains my 'name' was required, so I knew I wasn't answering anonymously.

Unless the rest of you used fake names, but that's another issue, right?

I think if we want Anonymous Surveys, don't require a name, real or not.
i though it was common knowledge to put hitman44 on every survey, thats what i been doing at least k:evil:

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:51 am
by InsanityRocks
solmartig wrote:
insanityrocks wrote:Well, whether or not I 'knew' my answers would remain private or public, the fact remains my 'name' was required, so I knew I wasn't answering anonymously.

Unless the rest of you used fake names, but that's another issue, right?

I think if we want Anonymous Surveys, don't require a name, real or not.
i though it was common knowledge to put hitman44 on every survey, thats what i been doing at least k:evil:
next time... next time... k:evil:

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:35 pm
by Necromancer
It was written in the post that its NOT anonymous, however, it didn't say its public either.
I assumed it'll only be available to the senate and maybe the TAs. not anyone besides that.
with all that continuous discussion i wonder whether i should just edit and censor it right now and be done with it.

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:16 pm
by Cheesy
Necromancer wrote:you can't know what fields one does not want to expose.
I think we all want Fields to be exposed :P

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:23 pm
by mrBLUE9
Cheesy wrote: I think we all want Fields to be exposed :P
Necromancer wrote:I assumed it'll only be available to the senate and maybe the TAs
That's already a sizable chunk of GC, that's why I already consider polls public. :P

Re: GC Member Survey

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:37 pm
by Cheesy
Necromancer wrote:It was written in the post that its NOT anonymous, however, it didn't say its public either.
I assumed it'll only be available to the senate and maybe the TAs. not anyone besides that.
with all that continuous discussion i wonder whether i should just edit and censor it right now and be done with it.
But srsly, Necro is right. Looking back I should have broken this into two surveys and been clearer about who would see what.

To be clear, here's exactly how I intend to share the survey results. Scream now if you have a problem with this. I'll also wait a few days before posting anything so more people have time to answer.

1. Aggregate stats about age, location, who's buying BF4 and the DLCs, when they joined, etc. will be shared with everyone

2. Individual players' answers about what they did in past campaigns, what they want to do next time, availability, etc. will be used by the execs + outgoing generals/TAs to pick the new leaders for BF4 C1. Then, we'll share that info with the incoming HCs so they can use it in the draft.

3. I'll aggregate the answers to "who was your favorite officer" question to mount an elaborate peer pressure campaign demanding that those people volunteer for officer positions again ;)

4. I'd like to just post verbatim (and anonymously) the feel-good questions about "what was your favorite battleday" and "what's the best thing about GC". I didn't see any private stuff in those answers but I'll double check, and PM me if you'd like me to purge anything.

5. For questions that have a specific bearing on decisions we're making now (eg risk system, campaign length, fairplay rules, role of the TAs, worst thing about GC) I'd post a summary of the feedback in the Supporting Members forum (if you're not one, donate or ask a friend to just copy and paste it for you) where those are being discussed. Some of those answers call out specific people and were written with some expectation of privacy, so I won't post the raw answers, but I'll do my best to put non-incriminating quotes that give a flavor of what people said in addition to aggregate data.

6. Lastly, for the "how satisfied are you with..." questions, those groups (exec, TAs, and generals) will get the raw feedback. I mentioned they would see the responses at the top of the form so I don't think there is a privacy issue there. I'm going to ask each group (execs, incoming TAs, incoming HCs) to look over the feedback, provide a summary, and respond to it.

7. I am keeping all the dicks in the box for myself.