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Re: Server Update R30

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:45 am
by cloon
Necromancer wrote:AA mines been nerfed, now that you cannot equipe a launcher with it i doubt anyone is going to use it instead of a stinger/igla (which have much more rockets too)
I would allow that.

I don't understand why they keep nerfing the stingers instead of buffing the attack chopper. Is it a technical difficulty?
It only makes the little bird+reps more and more OP.
They did buff the attack chopper, zuni rockets got more powerfull and countermeasure reload times got buffed. Not to mention that the 50% range nerf to the 20mm MAA maingun was a big buff for the AH too.

Re: Server Update R30

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:52 pm
by Nix
As this update went in the right direction, it still doesn't solve a lot of the air problems.

-The difference between Stinger and CM reload is still too damn high + AA missile spam.
-Missiles tracking targets even when out of line-of-sight.
-MAA with APS. Seriously, that thing shouldn't have it.

I'm glad the fixed the Javelin double missile thing. For a while there, tanking was a whole lot like flying lol

Re: Server Update R30

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:20 pm
by TCZapper
TheNixNick wrote:-MAA with APS. Seriously, that thing shouldn't have it.
They really should just make APS not affect things that can be rapid fired (rocket pods, IFV primary, main gun on attack jet). Then it'd be more liked BF3 reactive armor.