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Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:50 am
by cairdazar
zorplex wrote: Regarding the recon C4, I think that was just a bug with the hud. The player classes were switched mid way through the demo. I don't think they'd change something that integral to the classes from BF3, but I could be wrong. (Plus I don't think it makes much sense to have a recon with C4)
Nop, in the E3 build the recon have the c4.
No more unlimited c4 jeeps :cry:

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:48 am
by Necromancer
am i the only one who thinks the recon should get the claymore?

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:20 am
by Hgx
Necromancer wrote:am i the only one who thinks the recon should get the claymore?
That's calling for camping again (like bf 2) but I also don't like the idea of a recon with C4, it just doesn't make sense in my mind, I know it's probably for balancing but... idk.

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:34 am
by FisherMan9999
It makes sense to me.He is 'recon' so his job is to be Tom Cruise,provide intel and C4 the helicopters(Flummi,do you remember :lol: ).

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:45 am
by Necromancer
Hgx wrote:
Necromancer wrote:am i the only one who thinks the recon should get the claymore?
That's calling for camping again (like bf 2) but I also don't like the idea of a recon with C4, it just doesn't make sense in my mind, I know it's probably for balancing but... idk.
sniping is camping by definition.
0r do you prefer those sniper-assault guys that wipe you out with a semi-aut0matic sniper rifle from close range? i was sure thats what the shotguns are for.

it makes sense that you setup claymores around your sniping positions, and start the fire :wink:
there's little use for claymores for assaults or front liners. as it is stationary/defensive weapon. place the claymore and as assault - advance. now who's going to hit that claymore? the area was already cleaned from enemies.

i think the kits needs to be given to the class that will use them most. you can give repair wrench/torch to the recon, the question is how useful it will be.

i rarely hit a claymore in BF3.

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:11 am
by Jokerle
Necromancer wrote:
it makes sense that you setup claymores around your sniping positions, and start the fire :wink:
there's little use for claymores for assaults or front liners. as it is stationary/defensive weapon. place the claymore and as assault - advance. now who's going to hit that claymore? the area was already cleaned from enemies.
I agree, BUT setting up a bipod-lmg position and defending it with claymore is the same thing.
Recons has tugs/mav to defend itself.
And he can also listen to footsteps, while the LMG guys has trouble hearing his team mates (or ignores them like Gwynzer :D )

That being said, I cant decided whom to give C4, recon or support. Both options sound good.

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:41 am
by BlooDRaptoR1
elchino7 wrote: Does anyone know anything of the new "disable mechanics"? I have seen little to non regarding vehicles.
I saw vehicles driving with a missing wheel (Doom49 videos), maybe the EMP UAV would be counter UAV or just disable for a while a tank operating (probably :D )

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:46 am
by elchino7
Jokerle wrote:That being said, I cant decided whom to give C4, recon or support. Both options sound good.
Instead of fearing supports i now have to be careful of the recons. If both gets C4...
This is alpha build so they may change things.

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:56 am
by Necromancer
i don't to see how C4 is useful for the recon.
the recon's primary role as i see it is sniping (i guess there won't be any use for MAVs/TUGS as the commanders UAV will replace those)
sniping = long distance.
C4 = short distance.
doesn't fit.

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:01 am
by Jokerle
recons with SKS are perfectly for medium range engagements. AS Val is also a killer. sneaking behind enemy lines and placing beacons for the backrage. Scouting and infiltrating, a good role for a recon. C4 fits to a sneaky role.

But i wanted post this: ... index.html

Imagine commander mode on this (27" tablet)!

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:02 am
by RazY70
Necromancer wrote:am i the only one who thinks the recon should get the claymore?
I think snipers should be out of the game altogether :evil:

But that's not going to happen, so we at least have the sweet pleasure of occasionally sneaking up on those camping feckers and rearranging their internal organs. Why mess up with a good thing? :thumbup:

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:04 am
by dan1mall
RazY70 wrote:
Necromancer wrote:am i the only one who thinks the recon should get the claymore?
I think snipers should be out of the game altogether :evil:

But that's not going to happen, so we at least have the sweet pleasure of occasionally sneaking up on those camping feckers and rearranging their internal organs. Why mess up with a good thing? :thumbup:
I dont see anything wrong with snipers really, they have their place in the GCmeta game, as a good player can wreck players at short-medium range with something like an m98B.
In pubs you'll often have a lot of people sniping 1000m away, but in that case theyre hardly contributing anyway, so who cares, just let them have fun ^^

Claymores however, I think should be removed from the game completely, it promotes camping, and requires no skill.

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:13 am
by Bock
phpBB [video]

(posted from my bathroom)

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:24 am
by Bock
Silliness aside, I don't think the recon's role has to be primarily sniping. I think the recon can and should be a front line recon provider and/or behind enemy lines stealthy role, both of which I loved to play in BC2. I would take an all-kit weapon like the Thompson or something. Chucking those motion sensors really helps your squad advance.

Balance-wise, I hope they give C4 and/or claymores to the recon. That way, if you want to have infinite explosives, you have to buddy up with a support. Giving lone wolf supports infinite c4 was kind of broken in BF3 IMO. On that note, I hope they make ammo more of a commodity. I would like to see players start with 2 spare mags and get 4 spare with the ammo perk instead of the 3 and 7 we got in BF3. Running out of ammo was rarely a problem for the vast majority of players, so nobody ever played support unless they wanted to c4 tanks. I think if they make ammo more of an issue and give c4 to recons, we'll see more variety in the classes used, instead of 90% of the players on the battlefield being either assault or engineer.

Re: bf4

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:29 am
by Chemical2
Hgx wrote:
Necromancer wrote:am i the only one who thinks the recon should get the claymore?
That's calling for camping again (like bf 2) but I also don't like the idea of a recon with C4, it just doesn't make sense in my mind, I know it's probably for balancing but... idk.
I guess you got to keep in mind that the class is called recon and not sniper if that makes any sense