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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:26 pm
by Gravis
still waiting on the link x :P

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 12:37 pm
by Guest
Wont be until tonight unfortunately.

Have a battle to prepare for.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:20 am
by gribble
new intel from EAUK_Protagonist
EAUK_Protagonist wrote: Having been inundated with requests overnight (apologies for not replying to every one individually) I thought I'd explain how the 2142 beta is being run.

At present we have invited a selection of members from across the Battlefield community to take part in the initial tuning beta. Along with FilePlanet subscribers these will be the only people in this phase of the test.

The period is not intended or expected to last very long, and there will be subsequent testing periods which will have a visible and straightforward sign-up process. It is regrettable that we cannot sign up further people at this time, however space is limited and as such we have no further codes available.

When the open phase of the test begins we'll give full instructions on how to join.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:43 pm
by gribble
looks there are some funny bugs :-)

click me

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:04 pm
by Hitman47
I guess it's not supposed to be inside...... :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:41 pm
by Gravis
yeah the titan has ALOT of clipping issues

C4, air burst rockets, and dead bodies all fall through majority of the titan

Posted below is some bugs from the beta forum that people have posted

-in the apc sometimes if you go into a camera view that shows the outside and you are firing one of the passenger turrets the muzzle flash appears on the opposite side of the actual turret barrel.

-claymores fall through the ground often (in towers, on top of buildings, and in the titan)

-c4 doesn't stick to some surfaces and falls through ground (sometimes does not stick to sides of vehicles, and does not stick to the computer consoles in the titan)

-in the transport aircraft on the passenger turret if you turn it too far to the back the camera will get glitchy and instantly appear as if you are looking in front even though you're still looking behind you.

-sometimes when zoomed in with the sniper rifle after you unzoom you cant change weapons (with the mousewheel at least) for several seconds or ever.

-when a Titan blows up, the screen turns white for numerous seconds..

-walkers show up as crazy text when targeted..

-when you die it types out the file of the sound, for everyone on your team..

-When landing on the lower platform of the enemy(or friendly)Titan, when you walk up to the 2 large bay doors, you can do the "Strike at Karkand" glitch and actually shoot through the walls (go to bay doors, keep hitting forward key while shooting at whatever enemies in the area). Also if a colision occurs between a teammate (vehicle or soldier) it will push you THROUGH the wall, and you can completely bypass the force fields inside the titan.

-Red/blue tag bug (its been said before, just emphasizing the fact)

-Squad hopping: I am all for this, but I would like this to be defined NOW in the beta. Is this a gameplay feature or just another non-intended bug brought over from BF2?

-Knife range: knife range seems to be larger than the BF2 knife range. When comparing this with the defibulators, the distance between the two are rather large. For example: I can knife someone who is about 10m in front of me, whereas using the defibulators, only works on a person/target about 5m in front of me. (Distances are exaggerated, but just stating the situation).

Vehicles/hovertanks have a physics issue where when driving a jeep fast, or spinning a hovertank around while going down a steep incline, and then Coliding with an object (house, or TOW-turret for example) will launch the vehicle flying across the map

* TV-missile on the "chooper" cant hit other choppers, it just flies right thrue them.

-Unlocks don't work sometimes in servers (U.S. ones I've noticed)

Waaay too much white on the screen. Visibility really suffers on this map. In all the vehicles they try to simulate the use of a TV screen (by bars of pale white) making visiblity almost nil.

-Tanks and APCs take too much damage when rolling over rocks and hills

Minimap is way too dark. Flags and symbols blend right in, as opposed to stand out, like in bf2. Navigating using the map is hard. Things are too cluttered.

-APC bullets do no damage to infantry unless they hit them in the chest

Snow falling inside the titan through the roof

Digest those for awhile :)

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:55 pm
by Hitman47
:o 8O :? :lol: Man this game sux already.....wait 'till they TRY to patch it up :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:30 pm
by gribble
yeah, i just "won" a beta-key from a "contest" ... now i can go to sleep :)

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:50 pm
by Gravis

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 6:58 pm
by WoodenPlank
It pisses me off that people camping the fraking PBF main page (No offense, gribble) get in ahead of paying fileplanet subscribers. IGN has really screwed the pooch on this beta.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:48 pm
by Winter_Lion
WoodenPlank wrote:It pisses me off that people camping the frellin' PBF main page (No offense, gribble) get in ahead of paying fileplanet subscribers. IGN has really screwed the pooch on this beta.
It hurts even more when you are a member of the founder's club over there and you still can't get a slot...........I hate Gayspy and its affiliates more and more every year.

You are to be commended on a nice looking sig and coming in at the right size as well. I mean it weighs a lot but we can handle that, the ht by wd is is proof that someone reads the boring forum posts about sig policies. I can motivate for another day becuz of that. Kudos mate!

Winter :D

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:57 pm
by WoodenPlank
Personally, I love the idiots on the PVF forums that keep saying "d00d, you can play next week, quit ur whining....."

FP totally fraked up this beta, and Id love nothing more than to see the entire BF community bite them for it. Unfortunately, it just wont happen.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 10:11 pm
by Gravis
Winter_Lion wrote:
WoodenPlank wrote:It pisses me off that people camping the frellin' PBF main page (No offense, gribble) get in ahead of paying fileplanet subscribers. IGN has really screwed the pooch on this beta.
It hurts even more when you are a member of the founder's club over there and you still can't get a slot...........I hate Gayspy and its affiliates more and more every year.

You are to be commended on a nice looking sig and coming in at the right size as well. I mean it weighs a lot but we can handle that, the ht by wd is is proof that someone reads the boring forum posts about sig policies. I can motivate for another day becuz of that. Kudos mate!

Winter :D
Said it in PM also... All credit goes to Dagrooved... he made that for me, and i really appreciate dag... thanks

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:21 pm
by Gravis
Just wanted to post how many fileplanet beta's ive actually gotten into (well worth my $4 a month)

A Tale in the Desert Free Trial
Battle for Middle-earth II FilePlanet Beta Test BFME28wX30617
Battlefield 2142 Beta
Company of Heroes Beta
DDO Stress Test Event 2 FilePlanet
Dragonshard Multiplayer Demo
Dungeon Siege II
Dungeons & Dragons: Online Preview FilePlanet
EverQuest II Trial
EverQuest II Trial and Kingdom of Sky Beta - FilePlanet
Heroes of Might & Magic V Beta FilePlanet
Horizons 21-Day Trial
Legend of Ares
RF Online Beta - FilePlanet
ROSE Online
Ryzom Trial
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
SWAT 4 Open Beta
The Matrix Online Sneak Preview
War Front Beta

I removed the keys from the list though :)

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:30 am
by Guest
unhandled error 120

is the beta closed?