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Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:20 pm
by Elite-Guard
Just stop complaining and play. And although everybody is entitled to him/her opinion, I'm really sick when I read all those useless comments.
Just play, if you don't like it, fine.
Go play COD.

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:37 pm
by Hgx
Elite-Guard wrote:Just stop complaining and play. And although everybody is entitled to him/her opinion, I'm really sick when I read all those useless comments.
Just play, if you don't like it, fine.
Go play COD.
Don't go to forums and/or threads about BF 4 then.
Just my poor advice. :thumbup:

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 1:34 pm
by Tea-Assault
To be honest I was kinda disheartened by people bitching about BF4, but then I went to go play by myself for a couple of hours on the weekend and all of a sudden I agreed with most everything they were on about. Elite-Guard is right about some of the comments on this thread, but after playing all the other games out there for comparison - even spending quite a lot of time playing BF3 and BFBC2 along with Planetside 2, insurgency, call of duty, ArmA 3 etc. I can honestly say that for me playing BF4 is the most rage inducing game out there right now.

More than once per round i'd die from one shot, when I was playing operation locker I was watching the health bars of the guys I was shooting at. You can put half a magazine into someone and their health bar will go "tch" "tch" "tch" dead, it's as if every other shot is ignored or something.

#RantOver #illwaittillitsfixed :)

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:09 pm
by Fields
Elite-Guard wrote:Just stop complaining and play. And although everybody is entitled to him/her opinion, I'm really sick when I read all those useless comments.
Just play, if you don't like it, fine.
Go play COD.
We have these forums solely so people can express their opinions and thoughts with our community; everyone who posts here has an equal right to do so, whether it's complaining or praising. It may be kind of an echo chamber, but it's also a pretty good indicator that lots of our players aren't happy with the game.

It sounds like you're enjoying the game, and that's great! Could you point out some of the reasons why you're enjoying BF4 in contrast to what some other players have stated?

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:26 pm
by Nix
Elite-Guard wrote:Go play COD.

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:01 pm
by Sarantini
With all its flaws I think BF4 is still the game to go but we have to seriously reconsider what kind of gadgets we should allow. From the after campaign talk I noticed that there was not much wrong with the infantry gameplay (besides netcode but when these "bugs" get removed we should see bf3 netcode).
There were a lot more complaints about the armor and aircraft balance and then I think back on the beta which had barebones stuff and I had more fun driving armor there than in the campaigns.
So I propose to go with the unlocks allowed in battlefield 3 or atleast disallow the mbtlaw, staff and AR missiles. Commander is also a must, you should have most of the basic stuff unlocked before you even have a good understanding of the game imo.

While I 'm having a lot more fun in bf3 in pubs recently the no gun glitch will most likely return which slows down the games so much.

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 6:14 pm
by .Sup
Sarantini wrote:With all its flaws I think BF4 is still the game to go but we have to seriously reconsider what kind of gadgets we should allow.
Thats exactly why I think BF3 is a better option. I don't think we banned anything in BF3, only Usas was banned at the beginning. In BF4 it seems people want to ban every second gadget. I haven't come across anything needing ban in BF4 but then again I mostly play infantry.

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 9:13 pm
by matsif
.Sup wrote:
Sarantini wrote:With all its flaws I think BF4 is still the game to go but we have to seriously reconsider what kind of gadgets we should allow.
Thats exactly why I think BF3 is a better option. I don't think we banned anything in BF3, only Usas was banned at the beginning. In BF4 it seems people want to ban every second gadget. I haven't come across anything needing ban in BF4 but then again I mostly play infantry.
when you're getting locked on by 3-5 different types of launchers (vehicle dependent) from at a minimum a flag away, it just ruins vehicle play. It's actually better in pub play because people don't generally use it (they just use the MBTLOL because firing speed or SRAW because utility), but in GC it becomes ridiculous to the point of being locked up leaving spawns, which is just not fun.

I'm probably in the minority, but I always thought it was an issue in BF3 too, the difference was there was only the javelin with the lock on, it was a new mechanic to BF as a series (for GC play), and your only alternative was unguided or AA. In BF4 you're looking at, in a tank/APC, 3 different launchers with a lock on range of 350+ meters, which is generally over a flag away, and half working countermeasures on top of that (although they did at least fix the MBT LAW going through active prot). Throw up a SOFLAM and laugh as the SRAWs pour onto any armor/choppers you see because in general there is no reason to not use the SRAW and from distance you have plenty of time to keep the lock and not worry about the missile not hitting or getting killed unless you are under attack from somewhere else. And lets not forget that we lost a repair guy as well.

I agree with sarantini in that I liked vehicle play better than BF3 during the beta, and that was even with lock on RPGs and M320s doing like 20 damage a pop to you. But, in the beta we didn't have SOFLAMs IIRC, no staff shells, no active radar, none of the stupid skill-less weapons we see in release. Limitation some of the soul-crushing lock ons and active radar weapons (MBTLAW and staff shell) would be a huge improvement for vehicle play and lead to a much more team based game, even as simple as just removing SOFLAMs would be an improvement over (at least in GC play) every defended flag having a SOFLAM set up in a corner and 2-3 engineers basically instagibbing any vehicle they see short of a jet.

I personally would be hesitant to do any vehicle role in BF4 ever again with SOFLAMs and all lock on weapons still in play. It's just absolutely no fun to be perma-locked leaving a flag (this is going back to BF3 as well) and having to repair before you even get a quarter of the way to your objective.

As to BF3, I don't see BF3 as an option as long as the gun glitch exists. It was never fixed and a new game is out with its own synchronization and network control issues, it's never going to get fixed. It might be the better game performance wise as far as general "netcode" is concerned, but with the gun glitch hanging over our head if we're seriously going to stick out with BF as a community going back to BF3 isn't really an option.

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:05 am
by Bock
this seemed appropriate
phpBB [video]

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:55 am
by Necromancer
+1 for BF3

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:09 am
by Divine-Sneaker
It's pretty obvious that a place like this will mainly contain bitching about the game, when the reason people will gather here to begin with is because they want something more or just entirely different than the pubbing experience of a BF game. Currently it really, really doesn't allow for that to be done properly or at least so it functions much differently from pubbing.

If you're a player who still enjoys pubbing then that's fine, but I'd assume most people here don't or do to a much lesser extent. I still don't have that much against some pubstacking with friends since I haven't played for hundreds of hours already, but the majority of the time will still be spent bitching about broken crap while playing.

Re: BF4 Jan 30 patch notes

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:23 am
by Jokerle
Everyone was bored of bf3 and the same old maps back in the days of C6. With bf4 not meeting expectations (they never could have done that btw....) bf3 is glorified just as many past memories.

I am still bored of the bf3 maps, and sure as hell dont want to play with the gun glitch looming over every second round.
I personally dont pub much in bf4 because I get constantly pissed off by my retarded teammates, not so much because of different-than-bf3 game mechanics.