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Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:27 pm
by haruky

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:30 pm
by Sarantini

Re: GC Tournament #4 - Congrats to _____________. Now, feedb

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:02 pm
by haruky
Hey guys!

For those of you who didn't stick around... the Final matches will be held next Saturday at SBT. Congrats to Die Gewinnenatoren, Team 4Tress, and CALL ME MAYBES for advancing. Come join and watch them duke it out!



I hope you guys all had fun today.
I just wanted to thank you all for participating in the fourth GC Interim Tournament! This tournament was a lot different than what we used to do. We had our community pitch in their thoughts and created a tournament based on your opinions and what you wanted. It's thanks to all of you that we could make this kind of event happen.

I'm not sure how many of you liked it and how many of you disliked it. But ultimately, I hope you had a good time (or at least decent time..) I had a lot of complaints from various people about all different things. We played with random teams to try and get the best balance between teams. I'm not sure if I was really successful or not but I hope you felt it was relatively balanced. I know there were some other major issues that I did not forsee (like some teams having to wait many hours before they got to play) and those are some things that will hopefully get fixed in the future. So I'd like to apologize for those of you who were upset at some of the circumstances that happened.

Also, if you have any feedback on what went right and what went wrong, that would be great. I am not sure if I will be the one to organize the next tournament or not but any feedback will be valuable for anyone who does want to take up that task.

At the very least, I hope you guys had a great time playing this time around. Remember, next week is the first scrim so don't forget to show up and meet your new teammates for C6!!!

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:04 pm
by Sarantini
Really fun :D I think it's a lot better than squad rush
Would be great if we could use the EU server too making the tourney twice as fast
I like the double elimination

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:05 pm
by Kuchenfari
gg everyone. Had great fun tonight and I hope for some more of that next week :)

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:10 pm
by StarfisherEcho
1) We need to run both servers at the same time. This will cut tournament time roughly in half, and dramatically improve the experience for the first team to lose (no more 5 hour waits)

2) We need to have everything ready ahead of time; somehow, all of us got kicked out of procon this week and no one noticed, leading to only being able to use the NA server and only me being able to change rounds. ARGHRAAGRH!.Obviously we'll be fixing this for Saturday, but next time we do this we need to ensure that we're not blindsided by this sort of thing.

I had fun today, some really close rounds were won and lost, so it was a good experience! Thanks a ton for putting this together Haruky!

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:16 pm
by mrBLUE9
I really liked the new Conquest format and the 8x8 layout. About the delays I don't have many suggestions, these things take time anyways, 6 hours is a really small timeline for all the teams to play, so we could split the tourney between 2 Saturdays or run in 2 servers as Starfisher suggested.

Thanks for Haruky and Dan and everyone that put the tourney together! And also everyone that donated prizes. It was really fun! :clap:

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:31 pm
by wizekraker
I enjoyed this tourney very much, especially the Karkand round 1 we played. Thanks for huruky for hosting this and Danamall and Star for casting it. :clap:

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:59 pm
by RazY70
Awesome matches today! Had a great time playing and watching the games.

Many thanks haruki for getting this thing organized (lots of polls but the end results was definitely worth it :) ), and to our professional casting crew dan1mall and starfisher for making the wait between matches fun as well.

GG team and all that took part in this tourney. See ya all next week :clap:

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:20 pm
by V_
I had a ton of fun today - the randomized teams worked out well, imo. It really sucked to not play until SBT+3, but so it goes. Next time we can hopefully have a second server running. 8v8 Conquest was really fun, and double elimination was WAY better than single elimination. Can't wait to play again on Saturday!

A HUGE thanks to Haruky for organizing this thing, as he usually does. It's a lot of work, but the community loves it. Also thanks to the casters and Admins for helping things run as smoothly as possible.

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:24 pm
by Wi1D_K4rD
My team lost relatively early on (was kind of hoping we'd do better that DoW2: Retribution was very enticing) but, meh, I still had fun. I never got the impression that we were getting completely steamrolled which was nice. Although defending on Karkand did start to get close to that feel with how quickly we lost.

It is nice to know that I still have fun playing BF3 with you guys. Cause honestly I don't like BF3 anymore but it's like a different game with you guys. Just want to thank you guys for being awesome. Especially to haruky for setting this up.

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:31 pm
by Frosteyy
Wi1D_K4rD wrote:My team lost relatively early on (was kind of hoping we'd do better that DoW2: Retribution was very enticing) but, meh, I still had fun. I never got the impression that we were getting completely steamrolled which was nice. Although defending on Karkand did start to get close to that feel with how quickly we lost.

It is nice to know that I still have fun playing BF3 with you guys. Cause honestly I don't like BF3 anymore but it's like a different game with you guys. Just want to thank you guys for being awesome. Especially to haruky for setting this up.
Yeah respect to all teams. Don't worry WK, BF4 is coming soon. :D

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 3:54 am
by AdmiralGiggles
How about not having it drag on till like 3 am for the Euros ?!?!?!
My team lost because i couldn't continue playing due to the time....

Definitely not gonna sign up again if this won't change.

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:01 am
by KoffeinFlummi
Agreeing with everyone, good job haruky! Although I didn't feel like the stream managed to capture the flow of the battle as well as last time. That might just be because of Conquest maps being bigger, but for the most part I didn't really get what was going on, because the camera was moving around so much. It might've been better to just follow one guy all the time, or get a more static, top-down view.

Also, :thumbup: to my fellow CMMs for winning Bazaar without me!

Re: GC Tournament #4 - BRACKETS UP!!! TOURNEY TMW @SBT+.5!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:08 am
by Bock
Unfortunately, there was a lot of waiting around. But the rounds we got in on Karkand and Bazaar were a couple of the best rounds I've EVER played in battlefield, so kudos to all of the teams for playing together even though they may not have been your chosen teammates and a big thank you to Haruky, Starfisher, Dan1mal and everyone else who helped to run things.