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Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:20 pm
by HumanSpeedbumpAK
I know a lot of you have concerns about the Battlelog and using it for Servers and what not. I obviously can't go into detail, but let me assure you the battlelog system not only works great, but it actually decreases load times and ADDS convenience.

Basically, the game doesn't have a menu. Everything is set-up through the battlelog website, even single-player and co-op modes are started there. It takes the place of the main-menu typical games have. So you don't have to boot up the game just to pick the mode you want to play, you pick it from the site (along with the server you will play on, the friends you will play with, etc etc). It also has built in voice chat (but we'll prolly still use TS3 so...)

It takes about an hour to figure out, but once you start using it battlelog makes a ton of sense. plus, no more load screens, no more EA/DICE logos to wait through, the game loads in the background while you surf battlelog (or any other website) and pops up once you are in-game. switching servers is as simple as alt-f4 (or you can quit thru the game menu, whatever) then going back to the already open battlelog page and picking a new one. and while the game is loading you can surf the web again, check out your new titles, change your TS3 channel, see how long it takes to get your next weapon, or send in a donation to Global Conflict (best way to spend your time).

Trust me on this one, if you haven't seen it don't hate. It sounds terrible but in practice it works really well.

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:43 pm
by .Sup
Thanks for the info Dareitus, it sounds encouraging

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:10 pm
by AlbinoKalle69
Yeah, thanks Dareitus. I'll trust you on this one. If you're wrong we'll see each other on the battlefield and I hope Sup is on my side :)

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:52 pm
Reading between the lines here: so there's no way we can host an independent unranked server, specifically Linux. Or can we?

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:04 am
by Ash2Dust
LOL, if it works great, that will be a first for EA. Their ingame server browsers have been the most retarded thing to ever exist or use when they finally get it working right many months after a game launch.

It also wouldnt surprise me that they did it to further track users and their web browsing habits with permanent cookies.

Hmmm, when I want to change servers, I prefer joining one, not browsing the web each time killing time while waiting.

Also not sure if there will be such a thing as a passworded or unranked server with EA these days.

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:16 am
by HumanSpeedbumpAK
I have no idea what kind of servers will be available/possible at launch. They have said they plan on being open to the modding community in "battlefield spirit" so I'd imagine they'd have to make custom servers possible. There was nothing in what I've seen to suggest it WASNT possible, but nothing to confirm it either.

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 8:01 am
by sushi
Ash2Dust wrote:LOL, if it works great, that will be a first for EA. Their ingame server browsers have been the most retarded thing to ever exist or use when they finally get it working right many months after a game launch.
second that

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:25 pm
by Thur
On one hand I want to tell ash and Sushi to be more positive and on the other I want to thank them for reminding me of the real downsides. So I will say both. This game is not going to be perfect. We should be aware of that well before we commit ourselves to a camp. As for me I do not care much about the menus or the loading times. I want to play this game full 64 player in a GC battle. There is nothing more intense in online gaming. Not even Ash2dust can deny that, (I think) :) .

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:56 am
by gribble ... eula/3616/

haven't read the EULA myself..... but plan to read more today.

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:24 pm
by styphon
gribble wrote: ... eula/3616/

haven't read the EULA myself..... but plan to read more today.
Very annoyed at this but I so want to play BF3 that I have no choice but to accept. The problem isn't that stuff like this goes on, but that it's legal.

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:35 pm
by styphon
They've updated the EULA. They're not selling our information any more, but they are still collecting it.

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:32 am
by sushi
Guess they are using it inhouse now. :evil:

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:18 am
by styphon
Every company collects that kind of information. They use it to see how their product is doing, how systems are handling it etc. It was the selling it on that everyone had issues with.

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:48 am
by gribble

Re: BF3 Teaser Trailer and News

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:45 am
by WoodenPlank
Kinda PO'ed its Operation Metro and Rush AGAIN. Grr.