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BF2142 #1 Fan Search... competition

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 4:43 am
by gribble

The world is full of Battlefield fans who claim to be #1 ... now we’re asking you to prove it. And if you can convince us that you are the one, we'll bring you on as a consultant for the next Battlefield project.

Submit videos, screenshots, essays, whatever you can think of, and demonstrate how much you love Battlefield. Show us the greatest in-game frag we've ever seen, the slickest piloting ability, the total domination of your tank tactics. Make us gather around somebody's monitor in collective awe.

The top 50 submissions will be posted right here on this site for the public to vote on. The winner will be invited to serve as a consultant for the next Battlefield project!

Submissions are welcome after September 5, 2006.

read all the intel on the page

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:37 am
by Hitman47
WOW (not world of warcraft), there will be another B(S)F project!

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:06 pm
by Interfusi0n
Umm, do they really need to recruit someone who already loves the series to help them design another game? Does having l33t skillz mean that you have good ideas about game design?

This "consultant" position seems more like a chance to get news about the next game earlier rather than a development role with valued input. :roll: