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Battle Plan for Saturday 18th Feb

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:05 am
by madcow
Battle Plan for Saturday, Feb. 18

As most of you have seen, Global Conflict recently experienced a massive influx of new members. We've never had so many recruits join at once so far, so this will be a hectic week for everyone. Here's what you need to know.


First, welcome! We're so excited to have new warm bodies to shoot at friends to play with. Many new members have already been assigned to an army, others will be soon. Click here to see your army's forums. Make sure to read all the sticky posts there to sign up for a division and meet your fellow troops.

Before joining the battle on Saturday, make sure you...
  • Read and understand the fairplay rules. Violations will get you kicked.
  • Set up Teamspeak. See this guide, and then hop on. People are online all the time pubbing.
  • Set up your in-game tags. See army forums for details. Players without tags will be kicked from server.
  • Check out the campaign system and campaign map.
  • On Saturday, try to join 30 min before battle start to help us get you set up
  • If you need help before then, post here.

Now more than ever, we need experienced =GC= players to step up and help out our newer members. Here's how you can help:
  • Jump on Teamspeak! There are new guys coming on every day looking for help. We also have people in TS filling the servers every night, so pub with us and meet our new members.
  • On Saturday, you might be asked to step up and lead a squad. Even if you don't want to be an officer long-term, please help out for the next week or two.
  • Teach new players the fairplay rules, but be understanding that people are new and they'll make mistakes.

Because numbers and balance will be so unpredictable, there will be a slight tweak to the schedule. Kinetic Influence's first territory attack will be moved to Saturday, 2/25. This coming Saturday, 2/18 will still count, but there will be no single attacker. Instead, armies will take turns attacking maps best 2 out of 3. The winner of each map will receive 10,000 credits (see campaign rules). If needed, we will play on both the EU and NA server simultaneously.

If there are so many players that both servers are full, each high command will be responsible for benching players and rotating them between rounds.

After Saturday's battle, we'll have a community discussion to decide how to handle the numbers long term.

-Exec. Senate

Re: Battle Plan for Saturday 18th Feb

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:04 am
by Malnizzle
"By now, you should all have been assigned to an army. "

For those of us among the newbies not assigned to an Army yet, wait with patience or do we need to PM someone?

Re: Battle Plan for Saturday 18th Feb

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:08 am
by .Sup
Just be patient, everyone will be assigned soon. I've edited that post to remove confusion.

Re: Battle Plan for Saturday 18th Feb

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:27 am
by Malnizzle
Thanks - really looking forward to getting started - I can't believe I didn't find this earlier. What an awesome concept.