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Week 5: DARK attacks rock Europe, Asia, South America

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:23 am
by Cheesy
The global conflict between the DARK army and PRIDe corporation entered its second month this week, with devastating attacks across northern Russia and South America.

The DARK army's third offensive began in Russia, with the opposing corporations meeting in the streets of St. Petersburg for a bloody duel over the historic city. This modern-day siege of Leningrad (Seine Crossing 64v) left the former Russian capital devastated -- its buildings shattered by mortar shells, bridges crushed under the weight of tank treads, and canals running red with the blood of mercenaries and civilians that couldn't escape in time.

Armor battles in over streets and bridges devastated the old city of Leningrad

The attack on Leningrad was brief -- just one PRIDe division held the garrison, with the other apparently sabotaged by DARK's elaborate network of spies. Its destruction was followed by a pitched battle over Yakutsk (Caspian Border 32v), where the grassy countryside was marred by tank treads and carpet bombing. At the end of the fighting, the only evidence of PRIDe's defense was a hilltop piled with PRIDe bodies and a toppled radio tower, which a DARK demolition crew brought down in the final minutes of the attack.

PRIDe's defenses toppled in the Yakutsk countryside

Across the globe, the DARK army also staged a major offensive in the southern hemisphere. In a surprising incursion into South America, four DARK divisions obliterated PRIDe's checkpoint at the Panama Canal (Noshahr Canals Rush). The attackers invaded and destroyed a series of computer systems in warehouses and drydocks along the canals, disabling PRIDe's defenses and opening the narrow path into a new continent.

With Panama in their hands, the DARK divisions continued their assault with a coordinated attack on Venezuela (Karkand 32v). Satellite footage shows an easy march into Caracas, followed by a surprise ambush as PRIDe's divisions assaulted the city with heavy armor and infantry. PRIDe's attack on the city was initially successful, destroying two DARK divisions with rapid pushes into their unprotected rear bases. Despite PRIDe's powerful onslaught, the remaining divisions adapted to the ambush and managed to survive, destroying the 3 defending divisions in close fights over the empty city.

PRIDe's mechanized infantry defend Venezuela with an ambush on DARK invaders in Caracas

Emboldened by its capture of Venezuela, DARK pushed its assault in a gambit to capture the entire continent by assaulting Peru (Wake Island 64v). PRIDe once again lured the attackers into defensive positions throughout the territory, and then responded with an all-out air attack from a stolen American carrier group located off the coast of Chile. These aerial assaults, which included mass paradrops of conscripted U.S. marines over Peruvian airfields, led to a chaotic battle over the skies reminiscent of WWII-era battles over the South Pacific -- but even deadliers.

Aerial combat over DARK's captured airfields in Peru

With nightfall descending over a burning globe, Gen. Runaway halted the DARK attacks for two weeks of resupply and entrenchment in the newly captured territories. While a final PRIDe division prepares its last stand in Peru, praying for reinforcements, the remainder of the corporation looks forward to new attacks across the globe. With DARK extending its control to 62% of the world's territory, PRIDe will need a powerful counterpunch to survive this global conflict.

Reporting by Cheesy for the Globe

Re: Week 5: DARK attacks rock Europe, Asia, South America

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:49 pm
by RazY70
Great report! It was a very exciting packed with action battleday

Also thanks for providing an updated map :)

Re: Week 5: DARK attacks rock Europe, Asia, South America

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:10 pm
by Necromancer
satellite imagery and reports from around Europe claim PRIDe is recruiting mercenaries in huge numbers and amassing forces along its border lines in Europe for an overwhelming counter attack on the DARK organization.

Re: Week 5: DARK attacks rock Europe, Asia, South America

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:00 pm
by RĂ³ka
Cheesy wrote: Why is [img] off - ... 20x245.jpg
Aerial combat over DARK's captured airfields in Peru
That's you right there MotherFo!

Re: Week 5: DARK attacks rock Europe, Asia, South America

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:55 pm
by BlooDRaptoR1
It was a nice battle there! Although we had some problems controlling C :D (Airfield at Wake island)!