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Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:00 pm
by Cheesy
About a month ago, we started to notice the GC slush fund running very low 8O So we asked you, our community, to help pay some of the bills. Your response was amazing. Our donors brought in hundreds of dollars that will keep our servers going for several months. To all the guys who put cash in the GC stocking, we wanted to say:


Of course, people didn't just step up with their wallets. In the past year, we've seen so many of you contribute your time and energy to GC. We have a sexier website, brilliantly run armies, a well-running tournament, exciting front page news, working ABC (!!!), etc. because people put their blood, sweat, and tears into it. Special thanks to the TA's and both HC's for making C4 the most successful campaign we've had in years.

Seeing how much of the community has stepped up in different ways, we thought this would be a good time to make some changes to recognize that contribution. But before I explain those, we need a short history lesson.


GC was founded about 10 years ago by guys who played at another tournament and didn't like how it was run. The admins there just made a bunch of rules and didn't pay attention to their members. Around the same time, there were lots of new pay-to-play tournaments appearing, where you had to pay $5 a month to participate and you could pay extra to pick a certain side. We have never been like that. We would rather be a community where anyone from around the world is welcome, where everybody wants to play with everybody else, and anyone can get involved in making decisions and helping out.

Some of those founder guys are still around here -- if you see Tubesteak, Ghoul, or Brummie in your squad, you should thank them for inventing this whole thing 8) Those founders made up the original Executive Senate, and over the years they added on some new people: here's the list of all of us. The "execs" are the community leaders. We keep an eye on the money supply, moderate the forums, and try to make sure the GC community is always healthy and stable.

During the BF2 days, when not all the execs were active, we created the Tournament Administrators. Here's the list of our current TA's. They are responsible for running the tournament day to day: keeping the servers up, updating the campaign map, enforcing the fair-play rules, etc. TA's have one of the hardest jobs in GC, which is why we look for mature people with high command experience. TA's and Generals are selected by the Executive Senate, based on the advice of the outgoing TA/HC's. If you think you have what it takes for either job, you can contact us.


The last piece of this puzzle is our community. There are lots of you who don't have a formal title outside your army, but still contribute a lot and have plenty of wisdom about how GC should work. To recognize those people and involve them more in decisions, we are creating a new group called Supporting Members. (In the past, this was called the "Votable Members," but it died because for several years nobody voted on anything :roll: ).

Anyone who gives money to GC will become a Supporting Member. They will get a sexy badge on the forums and a smaller but still sexy badge on teamspeak. We're also creating a new Supporting Members Forum. This is a private forum where people who've contributed to GC can talk about the future of the community. The point of this forum is for people who've been at GC for a few campaigns and built up respect for each other to be able to discuss things, without random new people coming in and flaming each other.

Since we need cash to survive, Supporting Membership will be mainly based on donations (which you can always send us here). However, we reserve the right to fudge things. Members who've contributed a lot over many campaigns but don't have the money to donate can be added, and the opposite is true too: if you're disrespectful in the SM forum, no matter how much money you sent us, we'll throw you out :wink:

We'll also be formalizing a few new Committees. We already have small groups that do things like organizing fun days between campaigns, or doing news for the front page, or updating our website and ABC. Those won't really change, we'll just be cleaning up their forums and making it easier for GC members to get involved in them. We'll also be setting up some new committees, like a Welcoming Committee to get new people set up. Stay tuned for more information about those.

Last of all, we'll be merging some of our existing forums and creating a new Suggestions Forum open to anybody. This is a place where anybody can give their feedback: about the campaign system, the website, the maps and settings we use, our game servers, etc. The only rule is that it's for suggestions about the future only: if you want to complain about the current campaign, the place for that is your army forum.

Thanks again for everything you guys do for GC,

Cheesy, on behalf of the Executive Senate

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:59 am
by sushi
made sticky for 10 days

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:47 pm
by .Sup
sushi25 wrote:made sticky for 10 days
What happens in 10 days? Do we expect a new wave of domations? :mrgreen:

Thank you guys!

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:53 pm
by das_0pfer
I'm not sure I like this Supporting Members idea .. like getting a badge for donating money. That looks like creating a caste system (do you say so?). Not all people can afford to donate money. That doesn't mean that they are less valuable members of the community. I mean, does GC really have financial problems? If so, it should be more present. Then people will donate. But money should not influence how we interact with each other.

I don't want this badge.

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:05 pm
by Shrapnel
It's not just donating money. Donating your time is equally valued as none of us get paid to run GC. There are a bunch of people who volunteer a significant amount of their free time to keep GC organized and improve things.

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:06 pm
by Calloutman
das_0pfer wrote:I'm not sure I like this Supporting Members idea .. like getting a badge for donating money. That looks like creating a caste system (do you say so?). Not all people can afford to donate money. That doesn't mean that they are less valuable members of the community. I mean, does GC really have financial problems? If so, it should be more present. Then people will donate. But money should not influence how we interact with each other.

I don't want this badge.
I hear you but I think that this is answered by Cheesy's post:
The point of this forum is for people who've been at GC for a few campaigns and built up respect for each other to be able to discuss things, without random new people coming in and flaming each other.
There is no lower limit to the amount of cash you have to contribute, you can donate $0.10 and still get access to this forum. The point of it is to keep the discussion about the community within the realms of the community. The badge is an aesthetic point which doesn't really mean much. It's not creating a class system.

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:57 pm
by knorren
Nono, even thought I sent "money", It's me who wants to thank you guys for making this (Global Conflict) possible! :P

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:24 pm
I hear exactly what you are saying Op_for. When we originally raised the idea of having a separate forum for 'donators' I was totally set against it for the same reason as you. However, it finally became a choice between two evils; the total mayhem of a polling forum open to everyone against the elitism of small select groups making all the decisions. Ongoing discussions are difficult at best on 'forums' (which is why most of the real work is done via conversations on TS), so how do we limit the discussions so that decisions are actually made. The easiest way is to limit the decision makers to those who seek the best for GC and appear to have a vested interest in its continued existence. We can measure that to a small degree by individuals choice to invest time and if lacking that then money (which is just a method of moving time invested in one place, work, into another place, play). Its really as simple as that.

This is an honest attempt to make sure that GC is driven by the needs of its members and not by the needs of a few perceived leaders. I'm sure you can always chose not to wear the badge, but please stay to be part of the discussions as your input is welcomed, as is everyone elses.

Oh and coincidentally, this is just the type of issue/discussion that the forum is designed to facilitate. :D

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:49 am
by sushi
It was suggest we make this a global announcement (for some days) what I just did .....thanks sup for putting it on the mainpage also!

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 7:38 am
by dan1mall
It really should be us who ought to be the ones thanking you, as knorren said. I'm afraid that as a poor student I dont really have money to spare, so I wont be able to donate, but I'll gladly help out in any other way to improve this already awesome comunity ^^

I like the idea of comittees, a lot of large organisations work like that, having small groups of people do certain jobs, to ensure all jobs get done well. That being said I would also like to parttake in such a comittee. If there is anything that needs doing let me know.

Thanks again to all the awesome people that make GC what it is, and keep it running smoothly battleday after battleday, and ofcourse thanks to both armies of C4, for such an amazing campaign.

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:31 pm
by kidbagz
Thanks to you too!

I too would like to be a bigger part of this community. I will be donating shortly because I enjoy this so much and being part of the decision making would actually make this even more enjoyable.

Also because I want to volunteer my design skills.

See you on the battlefield.

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 1:47 pm
by Necromancer
@ kidbagz - fix your signature !

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:33 pm
by kidbagz
Necromancer wrote:@ kidbagz - fix your signature !
Lol, this is what happens when I try to host my own images.. Then every so often I nuke my whole site without even thinking what I may have linked..

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:29 pm
by das_0pfer
BRUMMIE wrote:[...], so how do we limit the discussions so that decisions are actually made. The easiest way is to limit the decision makers to those who seek the best for GC and appear to have a vested interest in its continued existence. We can measure that to a small degree by individuals choice to invest time and if lacking that then money (which is just a method of moving time invested in one place, work, into another place, play). Its really as simple as that.
That makes sense. Thanks.

Re: Thank you! And some changes

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:15 am
by Winter_Lion
BRUMMIE wrote:I hear exactly what you are saying Op_for. When we originally raised the idea of having a separate forum for 'donators' I was totally set against it for the same reason as you. However, it finally became a choice between two evils; the total mayhem of a polling forum open to everyone against the elitism of small select groups making all the decisions. Ongoing discussions are difficult at best on 'forums' (which is why most of the real work is done via conversations on TS), so how do we limit the discussions so that decisions are actually made. The easiest way is to limit the decision makers to those who seek the best for GC and appear to have a vested interest in its continued existence. We can measure that to a small degree by individuals choice to invest time and if lacking that then money (which is just a method of moving time invested in one place, work, into another place, play). Its really as simple as that.

This is an honest attempt to make sure that GC is driven by the needs of its members and not by the needs of a few perceived leaders. I'm sure you can always chose not to wear the badge, but please stay to be part of the discussions as your input is welcomed, as is everyone elses.

Oh and coincidentally, this is just the type of issue/discussion that the forum is designed to facilitate. :D

I agree......That was very well said. Brummie......what can I say? You are the last of your kind here at GC. We love ya brah.

Winter :)