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Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:34 pm
by CountBelasarius
In conjunction with Matsif, Pandas and Fields (aka the GC Olympic Committee)

So we've have some great ideas in another thread about events to do during the inter-game period so let's try to get them organized. We've got five weekends to fill before the beta, so let's have some fun with BF3 while we can.

Part 1: Proposed events

4v4, 5v5 or 8v8 Tournament
GC Olympics (Dirt bike jousting, EOD bot races, battle racer, etc)
Specialized Competitive Mode Day (Medieval mode, zombies, VIP, knives/pistols only, etc)
GC Scrimday (see Thallus's idea)
GC Scrim vs. Other Community
GC and other Community mixer-Scrim

In addition to these options, some members have expressed interest in running events in other games on Saturday (ARMA, Planetside 2, Wargame, etc).

Other games:

Wargame: Airland Battle
Planetside 2
Team Fortress 2

So propose any other events that you want added! And propose any other team based games you might want to run on Saturday.

Part 2: Saturday Schedule

What we need is people to take the lead for these events, organize them in the forums, figure out rules, and commit to being there that Saturday to manage the event.

Volunteer if you're interested in committing time and effort to run an event (say which weekend you'd prefer and which event).

If multiple people volunteer, you can work as a team.

:arrow: 8/31
BF3 Event(s): Specialized Competitive Mode Day (Medieval mode, zombies, VIP, knives/pistols only, etc)
BF3 Event Lead(s): Pandas
Other Game Event: ARMA 2
Other Game Event Lead: Flummi

:arrow: 9/7
BF3 Event(s) proposed: =GC= Olympics
BF3 Event Lead(s) proposed: Matsif, Pandas and Fields
Other Game Event: First Strike Mod
Other Game Event Lead: Gwynzer

:arrow: 9/14
BF3 Event: Scrim vs 21CW
BF3 Event Lead: Starfisher and Bock
No other game - show up for the scrim! :thumbup:

:arrow: 9/21
Other Game Event proposed: Wargame: Airland Battle and Team Fortress 2
Other Game Event Lead proposed: Duke and Fields

:arrow: 9/28
Other Game Event proposed: Planetside 2
Other Game Event Lead proposed: Gwynzer

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:38 pm
by matsif
willing to help set up and run the "olympcs" (silly and fun) events, can't commit to a weekend as of current times.

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:59 pm
by Fields
matsif wrote:willing to help set up and run the "olympcs" (silly and fun) events, can't commit to a weekend as of current times.

Also TF2

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:09 pm
by Kilo
I'm interested in attending GC Olympics, Specialized Competitive Mode, GC Scrimday and GC Scrim vs. Other Community. :thumbup:

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:35 pm
by Bock
It might be kind of a long shot, but what if we could do a mixed community event with another community (most likely 21CW). We get together for a battleday (not necessarily a full six hours if people feel that would be too much. maybe 4 hours?) and play several BF3 maps. We draft teams from those wanting to participate and play each map once from each side (like our pre-campaign scrims and BFI). The kicker is, we try to get each squad split 50/50 between GCers and 21CW (or insert community here) guys, and try to get a good mix of squad leaders and FCs from each community.

I would be willing to help organize/lead such a day. I would also be willing to help organize/lead a GC-only pick-up game style battleday.

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:12 am
by InsanityRocks
I would love to participate in any of the events suggested, particularly @Bock's.

Unfortunately I won't be able to help organize (at this time).

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:02 am
by Cheesy
BF1942 and/or BF2 day!

I know not everybody has these, but I think BF42 is free now. AND we could invite people from other communities (eg 21CW), orrr now that we have an actual web committee we could figure out how to mass email all our old members. It would be a good way to churn up all the zombies and maybe bring some back for BF4.

Also - let's keep in mind events that could be posted a few days ahead of time on Reddit to start getting some new people in. There's no real danger of a Reddit "rush" now that no campaign is going, but it would be a nice way to stay visible and get a trickle of new peeps coming in now.

- BF42 / BFV / BF2 day
- Populating a 64p server with weird settings like knife only
- Flight school (any pilots want to teach?)

Also if anybody wants to get a 8-player Age of Empires II game going I wouldn't say no :roll:

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:01 am
by Gwynzer
If anyone is interested and has the base game of BF2142, I used to play a Star Wars Total Conversion for it called First Strike. It was reaaaally good and had some really fantastic teamwork elements. We could load that up and have some fun. For any X-wing series fans I've been told (haven't played enough of the games myself to confirm) that First Strike offers the best Star Wars ship combat than any game since then. I used to have a server for it, I could get it going again. BF2142 wasn't super popular, and getting a server working is hard enough, never mind the mod on top of it. I won't bother unless there is enough interest.

Also a planetside saturday would be good. We could easily get a platoon (or maybe 2!) going. Having a full GC platoon would be awesome and we could split off and do proper squad play using TS channels etc.

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:10 am
by Jokerle
Gwynzer wrote: BF2142........ Star Wars Total Conversion . .. X-wing series fans....
8O 8O 8O 8O

Game..where....need to find...what? wars!......BF2142.......why?*breath* wars!....when?*breath*...f** work.....where is my key......origin fu.....damn! wars!.......KEY? Where?*breath*...neeed....

Gwynzer, you cant do that to me while I am at work! :cry:

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:50 am
by sushi
guess he is trying to say: yes :mrgreen:

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:31 am
by ZombieToof
Jokerle wrote:
Gwynzer wrote: BF2142........ Star Wars Total Conversion . .. X-wing series fans....
8O 8O 8O 8O

Game..where....need to find...what? wars!......BF2142.......why?*breath* wars!....when?*breath*...f** work.....where is my key......origin fu.....damn! wars!.......KEY? Where?*breath*...neeed....

Gwynzer, you cant do that to me while I am at work! :cry:
He seems to be an X-wing addicted and these short sentences caused a relapse. I don't wanne be accountable for him going through a cold turkey, so I'd join.

Btw they still develop the mod and play campaigns. Crazy. And BF2142 is for sale on origin for 3 € atm.

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:05 am
by Gwynzer
Very well, I think just for jokerle I'm going to have to get the server going (The current single 16 slot server does not serve our needs). I'll need time to bring back many of the old FS vets, another community I am part of had a "farewell" event 6 months ago and it served as a goodbye for many of the old timers, I'll see who I can pull back in to make it as fun as possible.

Proposed Events

ARMA3 Alits Funday with Flummi

GC Planetside 2. Free on Steam! (Gwynzer)

Battlefield 2142: First Strike Mod (Star Wars Total Conversion) (Gwynzer)

BF2142 is on sale on origin right now.

Also Planetside every Sunday at SBT+2

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:41 pm
by CorranHorn
Nic Gywnz?

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:39 pm
by InsanityRocks
This actually goes out to anyone and everyone organizing events: PM me or undrtow so we can post Twitter updates for your events.

Re: Proposal of and Schedule for Events

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:58 pm
by CountBelasarius

There will be threads up in the near future but as the schedule now states:

BF3 Event(s) proposed: Scrim vs 21CW
BF3 Event Lead(s) proposed: Starfisher and Bock