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My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:01 pm
by r3vy
Thought I would throw in a feedback for my time doing the Scrim last saturday.

Overall the expierence was great! Most of the time I was having lots of fun, even if we were losing haha. I was nervous going into it, thinking people would judge me. haha.

However, everyone was funny, cool and I just wanted to keep playing over and over! Very well organised and I can tell you guys been doing this for years!

I did have 1 minor issue, that I had no idea would actually be a problem and might have injured my squad.

I have had the game since launch, but I ONLY play recon hardcore. I didnt care about leveling up and getting new gadgets/kits. I literally just wanted to snipe all day, it was fun to me. I play lots,but I am only level 39 because I didnt do any challenges and such, because I have everything maxed out on recon, at least the guns I use.

Now before the rounds started, someone mentioned that snipers were banned, so I was a worried because that is all I do. Then my squad leader asked if anyone could do support. No one said anything. So I said, sure why not, ill step up! But didn't really realize that I had no support kits unlocked, same issue happen to engineer not having the best rocket launchers. Then I saw people killing with snipers and I got really upset because I really thought I could shine through my sniping kills, and that someone higher up on ranking order stated snipers were banned. Not sure if thats a rule or they didnt want everyone running snipers.

Its not a HUGE deal, I had tons of fun! But now that I am aware of how things worked, I spent the last few days just playing support/engineer to unlock most things my squad leader was asking for, like Ammo box, and mortars, better launchers. Was lots of work, but now I can help my squad to victory! Woot!

Can't wait to see you guys saturday! And practice on thursday :)

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:31 pm
by Fields
I'm very sorry to hear that you felt a bit marginalized during the last battleday. I'll be sure you get earmarked for sniping next time around.

If you ever have any doubts about any of the rules or banned weapons, you can always find them in the BF4C2 sub forum: Battleday Results, Rules and information.

I know it's a bit of work to find these things on our forums, especially because everything is kinda messy atm. Here's the banned weapons thread, for future reference.

I'm thrilled to hear that you had fun overall. See you on the battlefield! :thumbup:

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:41 pm
by TCZapper
Yeah, unfortunately I think DICE still hasn't fixed the "all unlocks" mode. Last I played it, it prevented commander mode and completely prevents using any battlepack attachments (no FLIRs, etc).

So stuck we are.

Good on you for working on your unlocks though. Everyone should aim to have all the basic class unlocks as it makes your squad more adaptable.

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:22 am
by Ghoul
Recon class generally is not banned, however it mainly gets used for the spawn beacon with a PDW or DMR equipped. Snipers do not help much capturing or defending a flag if they are over the hill and though the woods. I had one person in my squad run recon on Lancang Dam 32i and had them put the spawn beacon as close to the island as possible to avoid swimming as much as possible.

So recon does get used, and if you are one of those leet snipers that gets 30+ kills a round I'm sure you'll get the chance to shine.

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 12:43 am
by XrunawayX
Hop in my squad next battle day r3vy and we'll find a use for those skills!

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:54 am
by r3vy
Haha thanks for the feedback guys, trust me its not a big deal. I really only hardcore snipe, so doing normal sniping might suck because I usually just go for easy body shots for kills in hardcore. And I understand for conquest maps, sniping is honestly the worst thing you can do. Trust me, I am all squared away and can do and will do any kit my Army/Squad needs of me. Loving the community.

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:08 am
by Ash2Dust
Sniper is not banned and those that say it is should be questioned with respect. TAs will not ban or kick for any kit class. But your army can kick. Check for banned weapons tho.

Distilling this, we're here to play as a team and lone wolfs are not conducive to a squad's performance and ultimately the team. Hence the negative feedback you experienced from others perceptions of sniper.

There's a big hurdle to overcome to convince your squad (and your team) that a player sniping out of play (while achieving squad's objectives) is going to make your squad succeed. If your squadleader is assigned to attack a flag, he really needs bodies getting into the flag zone and needs kits he thinks is conducive to that. If the assignment is to hold a flag, theres a little more wiggle room, but he still needs you to be able to hold the flag in the fast pace of organized enemy taking of that flag. This aint pub. Sniping is powerful, yet, an organized enemy will achieve their goal nullifying a good sniper outside a flag zone in most situations.

I think the best way to approach this is to play more with your squad members/teammates more so they can see what you can do and how the group as a whole works most effectively.

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:17 am
by Ash2Dust
Just have to add, I've been given orders to use whatever kit I kill best with while getting into a flag zone. For you, that just may be sniper. Need to achieve that comfort level of your squad leader.

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:51 am
by cairdazar
If you want to unlock the basic stuff for the other classes, medbag, ammobag, sraw etc.
Just jump on teamspeak there are usually people in the bar och bf4 channels pubbing.

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:46 am
by Hitman47
snipers are NOT banned.

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:50 pm
by r3vy
Ash2Dust wrote:Sniper is not banned and those that say it is should be questioned with respect. TAs will not ban or kick for any kit class. But your army can kick. Check for banned weapons tho.

Distilling this, we're here to play as a team and lone wolfs are not conducive to a squad's performance and ultimately the team. Hence the negative feedback you experienced from others perceptions of sniper.

There's a big hurdle to overcome to convince your squad (and your team) that a player sniping out of play (while achieving squad's objectives) is going to make your squad succeed. If your squadleader is assigned to attack a flag, he really needs bodies getting into the flag zone and needs kits he thinks is conducive to that. If the assignment is to hold a flag, theres a little more wiggle room, but he still needs you to be able to hold the flag in the fast pace of organized enemy taking of that flag. This aint pub. Sniping is powerful, yet, an organized enemy will achieve their goal nullifying a good sniper outside a flag zone in most situations.

I think the best way to approach this is to play more with your squad members/teammates more so they can see what you can do and how the group as a whole works most effectively.
I def agree, which is why I want to stress this is not a big deal, it was more of the idea of hearing something can not be used, and then saw someone using it that concerned me. I am more than happy to do what is needed to win, thats a given! I am fully aware that sniping is not good on most maps for conquest. And is a situational risky thing to do. I am not trying to convince anyone anything :P I have fun playing with you guys no matter what I do. Hence why I am not butthurt about it :D

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 7:55 pm
by ShadowRado
Hey as a vet here I also heard talk of bolt snipers being banned and or the DMR's being banned but no one seemed to really know. I think maybe with bf4 and all the banned weapons and such even people who have been around the block are not sure whats what. In BF3 things were simpler. Oh those were the days :lol: Anyway I think the forums make it kind of hard to easily find this stuff on short notice. Hope to see you this Saturday.

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:46 am
by ZombieToof
ShadowRado wrote:Hey as a vet here I also heard talk of bolt snipers being banned and or the DMR's being banned but no one seemed to really know. I think maybe with bf4 and all the banned weapons and such even people who have been around the block are not sure whats what. In BF3 things were simpler. Oh those were the days :lol: Anyway I think the forums make it kind of hard to easily find this stuff on short notice. Hope to see you this Saturday.
There was some discussion about evaluating if we need to limit or ban bolt actions/DMRs some weeks ago cause they might be overpowered with our 80% health setting ( ... r&start=15). AFAIC there was no decision to do that. But we had a poll about health settings where a majority voted for 100% health so I guess we will do that and Snipers/DMRs will stay unrestricted.

Re: My firsttime GC feedback :)

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 8:50 am
by Fanne
r3vy wrote: Not sure if thats a rule or they didnt want everyone running snipers.
Well, you already ansewerded it in the first post. :clap: To prevent to many Snipers around it was always the rule to be asigned to it by SL.
All the other stuff is already mentioned :thumbup:
have fun :!: