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GC's Squad Tourney - NEW THREAD LINK IN OP!

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 9:28 pm
by haruky
Please use the new link everyone!


Update 6/4/14

Hey everyone! I've been keeping an eye out on our numbers for the touranment. We're currently at 37 sign ups at the moment. As unfortunate as it may be, that's not enough to hold one!

Please continue spreading the word about the tourney so we can get to the point where we have enough teams to even hold one!

If there's a way we can get this thread on the front page, that could potentially help boost our numbers.

Thanks to those who have signed up! I am really hoping that this will happen! If worse comes to worse, and we don't have enough numbers but people still want to play, we could potentially hold a tournament on a smaller scale. (I smell a poll incoming..)


TL;DR: GC Squad Tournament is a fun way to get to meet new people and have a good time during the break between campaigns. If you are interested in joining, please Sign up!: ... =send_form


Alright everyone!

The campaign is over and we are now in the stages of GC where we are in a bit of a hiatus. For those who have been with GC for a few campaigns now, you'll know what I'm about to say... but for those who are new to our beautiful community, let me give you a good rundown of what this is.

The GC Squad Tournament is basically a tournament that takes place in between the breaks we have between campaigns. The idea behind it was to keep people involved within the community during the break and give people something to do on Saturdays.

Our hopes for the tournament is to allow people to get to know one another and gather around for some good ol' fashioned matches! We've had several very close games in the past few tournaments and with our amazing casting team, they're always pretty fun to watch and participate in!

In the past, we've typically done the tournament over the course of one battleday. However, after listening to feedback from our community, I've been considering doing a tournament that lasts over the course of 2-3 battledays.

I'll have a sign up sheet up at the top and bottom of this post so we can see how many people are interested. If there aren't enough people to hold a tournament, it will unfortunately not take place. In the past, we've had up to 12-14 teams playing before! It's a lot of fun and I hope we see a lot of people join!

Now that you have the general idea, let me lay down what this might look like:

1.) The tournament is largely shaped by the community.
- What this means is that you guys have as much of a say as I do in making this tournament happen. In the past, I've posted several polls to get ideas and thoughts on what people wanted to get out of the tournament. It's how we ended up doing a Squad CONQUEST tournament for our latest implementation of this series. Essentially, it is up to you guys to decide how this tournament plays out. Will it be Rush? Conquest? Defuse? It's all up to you!

Keep an eye out for new polls as we get nearer to the tournament date! I'll be asking for input and you will all have a say in how this all goes down. (But.. some things mayyy get overridden...)

2.) Teams may or may not be randomzied.
- This again, depends on you guys. But it is definitely something worth keeping in mind. In the past, we've allowed for people to form their own squads with their group of friends, but the last tournament we had was actually all formed randomly. People would sign up and I would randomly assign them to a certain team. This allowed GC members to meet new players and make new friends as they fought alongside each other toward the grand prize. However, this is subject to change as everyone gives their input and feedback into how they want this tournament to be.

3.) The dates for the tournament.
- This will most likely take place in Mid-Late June/Early July depending on our status on the next GC BF4 Campaign.

4.) Prizes!
- There will be prizes! We've had several GC members donate Steam games to the winners of the tournaments in the past. The winning team gets to select from a pool of games that have been donated!

5.) Have fun.
- The main point of this is to have fun. Don't forget this! We're here to have a good time and not claw each others' throats out.

For those of you who are interested in how this played out previously, check out this thread: ... tournament

It has all the knitty gritty details of what went down!

I'm looking forward to meeting the new folks! Let's get this show on the road! If you have any suggestions on how to make this go down, please comment below!

Re: GC's 1st BF4 Squad Conquest/Rush Tournament!

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 10:01 pm
by mrBLUE9
This touneys are always a ton of fun! Looking forward to it. :thumbup:

Re: GC's 1st BF4 Squad Conquest/Rush Tournament!

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:39 am
by Hgx
I have suggestions! :)

1- I think it's a MUST for us to wait for the upcoming updates known as "CTE patches". After playing in the CTE client for hours I feel, as pretty much everyone, that the difference in infantry combat is day and night.
These patches should be coming soon and probably with the next DLC.

2- Said patches also include a new "competitive" :lol: mode called "Obliteration small", which is basically Obliteration, but WAY smaller, with no parachute points nor vehicles and made for 5v5. It's still a WIP (as the whole game :lol: ) but maybe they get it ready for said patches.

3- What about defuse? Does anyone know the state of it?

4- No Domination CODination please (this is a personal opinion/taste)

Re: GC's 1st BF4 Squad Conquest/Rush Tournament!

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:26 am
by Calloutman
Looking forwards to this!!

Re: GC's 1st BF4 Squad Conquest/Rush Tournament!

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:40 pm
by haruky
@HGX, that actually sounds like a good idea. Do you know when the CTE patches are happening by any chance?

Re: GC's 1st BF4 Squad Conquest/Rush Tournament!

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:10 am
by Hgx
haruky wrote:@HGX, that actually sounds like a good idea. Do you know when the CTE patches are happening by any chance?
Should be coming soon any of these days really, no confirmation of any kind tho.
Only person I know at EA doesn't know anything to avoid leakings.

Re: GC's 1st BF4 Squad Conquest/Rush Tournament!

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:44 am
by haruky
Hgx wrote:
haruky wrote:@HGX, that actually sounds like a good idea. Do you know when the CTE patches are happening by any chance?
Should be coming soon any of these days really, no confirmation of any kind tho.
Only person I know at EA doesn't know anything to avoid leakings.
Gotcha. Well, it's something to keep in mind as this develops.

So far we have about 30 responses. We'd need to be looking at around 40-60 for a decently sized tournament. 40 would mean a 4v4 type tournament where 50 we could do a 10 team 5v5 sort of game. The details will be worked out, but we do need more sign ups for this to be viable!

I'll continue developing the tourney in the background so we can fast-track the tourney if it gets green-lit.

If anyone has any suggestions, please post comments! The more discussions we have, the more fun it can be!

Re: GC's 1st BF4 Squad Conquest/Rush Tournament!

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:59 am
by Hgx
CTE Patch is up for your info Haruky. :thumbup:

Re: GC's Squad Tourney Update -Currently not enough sign-ups

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:27 pm
by haruky
Update 6/4/14

Hey everyone! I've been keeping an eye out on our numbers for the touranment. We're currently at 37 sign ups at the moment. As unfortunate as it may be, that's not enough to hold one!

Please continue spreading the word about the tourney so we can get to the point where we have enough teams to even hold one!

If there's a way we can get this thread on the front page, that could potentially help boost our numbers.

Thanks to those who have signed up! I am really hoping that this will happen! If worse comes to worse, and we don't have enough numbers but people still want to play, we could potentially hold a tournament on a smaller scale. (I smell a poll incoming..)

Re: GC's Squad Tourney Update -Currently not enough sign-ups

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:46 pm
by mrBLUE9
I've moved it to Publications! :thumbup: But it's older than the Podcast post so it's not on top, maybe you could do a new one?

Re: GC's Squad Tourney Update -Currently not enough sign-ups

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:53 am
by Rellik_pt
Maybe send a pm to all armies so they can get a email and be aware of this thread.

Re: GC's Squad Tourney Update -Currently not enough sign-ups

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:48 pm
by haruky
Rellik_pt wrote:Maybe send a pm to all armies so they can get a email and be aware of this thread.
That's not a bad idea! Thanks! I"ll be posting a new thread this Saturday. I'll talk to the Execs and see what they think about sending out a PM blast about it.

Re: GC's Squad Tourney Update -Currently not enough sign-ups

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:58 am
by Tea-Assault
Maybe make it a BF3 tournie? Or has the CTE patch made the game up to scratch with BF3?

Re: GC's Squad Tourney - We have 50+! Watch for new thread!!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:52 am
by haruky
Good news everybody!

We hit 50 sign ups today! I'm going to be posting a new thread with all the details. If you've already signed up, there is no need to sign up again.

This will now be the participatory phase of the tournament set-up. Throughout this week, there will be a new poll to gather information and preferences to how the tournament is played out!

Keep an eye out for the new thread, everybody!

Re: GC's Squad Tourney Update -Currently not enough sign-ups

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:53 am
by haruky
Tea-Assault wrote:Maybe make it a BF3 tournie? Or has the CTE patch made the game up to scratch with BF3?
The problem with a BF3 tourney is that I think most people already uninstalled it and aren't interested in installing again just for this.

We'll probably move forward with a BF4 tournament and hope that the CTE patch did some great things.. Thank you for the suggestion though!