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Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:03 pm
by CekiHappy
matsif wrote:
Forum Feedback Info
-female avatar for the player is on the way
Important question, will we be able to heavily customize our character, and how large can we make our breasts? This is imperative.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:04 pm
by matsif
CekiHappy wrote: Important question, will we be able to heavily customize our character, and how large can we make our breasts? This is imperative.
they haven't discussed most of what they are doing with the character creation things yet. What we do know is that size will be limited (so no ridiculous heights short or tall, or ridiculously obese players) due to cockpit limitations. Otherwise there really isn't much known right now.

I'm pretty sure most of the player creation stuff is being released with the planetside module, which is due during the summer some time IIRC.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:50 pm
by CekiHappy
When Occulus Rift comes out, I just want to be able to look down and enjoy the view, er.. i mean, look around an enjoy the view. But especially down.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 11:48 pm
by RĂ³ka
oooh ceki

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:10 pm
by matsif
New TFTC, more post count whoring:

-the DFM is designed as simulation. to join the game, you jump in the ship and the HUD gives you a "join the arena" sort of interface. If you don't own a ship that is available in DFMv1, they will give you a loaner (don't worry those of yinz who only have a freelancer, you'll get something to play with). They are calling one of the simulation modes "Arena Commander" as a nod to Wing Commander.
-TrackIR won't be available for DFMv1, Oculus Rift support will be in DFMv1. They want to have lots of peripheral support overall.
-Chris doesn't really see an "end game" in the game, but in question 3 he describes what could be an "end game" goal for people only interested in industry/economics.
-the in game reputation settings will map players to colors on your HUD (so enemies are red, friendlies are green, etc).
-there will be basic cargo containers and others that are fancier with tracking tags and such. most won't have that, so if you come across cargo floating in space and grab it it's not considered stealing
-the nav map isn't going to show everything to everyone, so flying around and seeing the whole system will show new areas that not everyone can see. you can then share that info with your org. you will be able to sell those new nav points to a general cartographer company (so cartography is an explorer profession thing)
-some discussion on org management for the next rendition of org functionality
-some discussion on how your org will impact the instancing mechanics
-on a question about touchscreen support, Chris said most of the game is being developed on windows 7. Chris said that most of the dev team hates windows 8 and stated the typical "every odd microsoft is good" quote. I lol'd.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:30 pm
by matsif
and for the 500th post in this thread, new WMH!

-big spotlight this week on the asteroid hangar, which those of us with a cutlass are going to get as soon as it's ready and will probably be available as an upgrade if yinz want. While the asteroid hangar was used as an example, it goes in depth into how planetside locations or even larger ships with the "room system." This system is being used throughout the game, with the asteroid hangar being the test bed for the room system. Basically, this is the game's version of personalized player housing.

-the asteroid hangar seems to be very customizable, with a "command center" room and a vertical land/take off door, and using this room system customization to add to the hangar (with construction time and whatnot). the ideas look awesome and I can't wait to play around with it.

-DFMv1 will have multiple HOTAS sets supported.
-private servers are small-scale versions of the PU that you can customize the "space" of, similar to a freelancer server
-major governments will have their laws followed in their space, but local systems may have more rules added on top of those (or in the case of some areas, no rules at all).
-people are not going to be able to steal your ship while you are planetside, your ship is safe while in a hangar
-confirmed that eating, sleeping, and using the restroom are not forced activities. They will be available for fun/immersion, but not a requirement like eating and drinking in say daisy.

-Mark Skelton does an interview about the asteroid hangar and room system, while wearing that god awful gold shirt and with his hookah that was previously featured in the old WMH spot of "Hazy Thoughts." Apparently he loves that shirt.

-next week has an org update in WMH, and TNGS is getting delayed a bit to give the teams some time to iron up the designs a bit more.

weee 500 posts

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:13 pm
by SeraphiM0352
matsif wrote:and for the 500th post in this thread, new WMH!

-big spotlight this week on the asteroid hangar, which those of us with a cutlass are going to get as soon as it's ready and will probably be available as an upgrade if yinz want. While the asteroid hangar was used as an example, it goes in depth into how planetside locations or even larger ships with the "room system." This system is being used throughout the game, with the asteroid hangar being the test bed for the room system. Basically, this is the game's version of personalized player housing.

-the asteroid hangar seems to be very customizable, with a "command center" room and a vertical land/take off door, and using this room system customization to add to the hangar (with construction time and whatnot). the ideas look awesome and I can't wait to play around with it.

-DFMv1 will have multiple HOTAS sets supported.
-private servers are small-scale versions of the PU that you can customize the "space" of, similar to a freelancer server
-major governments will have their laws followed in their space, but local systems may have more rules added on top of those (or in the case of some areas, no rules at all).
-people are not going to be able to steal your ship while you are planetside, your ship is safe while in a hangar
-confirmed that eating, sleeping, and using the restroom are not forced activities. They will be available for fun/immersion, but not a requirement like eating and drinking in say daisy.

-Mark Skelton does an interview about the asteroid hangar and room system, while wearing that god awful gold shirt and with his hookah that was previously featured in the old WMH spot of "Hazy Thoughts." Apparently he loves that shirt.

-next week has an org update in WMH, and TNGS is getting delayed a bit to give the teams some time to iron up the designs a bit more.

weee 500 posts
Should probably also mention that during the asteroid hanger spot you can catch a glimpse of the Drake Caterpillar

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:15 pm
by matsif
SeraphiM0352 wrote: Should probably also mention that during the asteroid hanger spot you can catch a glimpse of the Drake Caterpillar
well I didn't want to spoil it :P

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 6:43 pm
by matsif
DFM Special Episode 1!

For the next 3 weeks, CIG is not doing TNGS, they are doing specials showcasing the DFM. This is to not only get some hype going for DFM (like it needs any), but to give the TNGS teams some time to sure up their designs.

Showed the new Saitek X55 HOTAS set and some other combat infos. Will say that there is no game play shown unfortunately, just some gimmicky stuff, but hopefully in the next 2 weeks we'll get to see some stuff.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:34 am
by matsif
New TFTC, and because I went full stupid last night I forgot to write a post about it:

-they are getting new sound stages for sound recording in both the Austin and LA offices
-no plans for hardware based 2 step authentication (RSA SecureID and the like) at this time
-the big mining facility concept art from SQ42 from a few weeks ago probably won't be available for purchase (too large). They are still working on mining and refining and logistics chain involved in the activity.
-they are working out a system to spy and infiltrate other organizations
-DFM is gonna release similar to this style: DFMv1, DFMv2 (multi-slot ships), FPS system, mixing DFM and FPS system
-SQ42 will have some more famous people for the script in SQ42, but CR was keeping it shut until the script is done
-exploration and fighting are going to be balanced so that you don't have to worry about getting ganked by an idris every time you jump into a new system. CR didn't explain the system too much, but kept saying that those who want PvE or PvP will "hopefully be pleasantly surprised" by his system he's making.
-yes there will be wing commander and previous CR games easter eggs in the game

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:15 am
by matsif
full size

dat HUD

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 5:25 am
by Sarantini
Man that looks nice!
Does every ship have a different hud and interior?

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:15 pm
by matsif
Today's WMH, moar stuffs

Organization Updates
-focus on what's coming for orgs round 2, including an overview of what's already there. Apparently round 2 will introduce divisions (think GC army structure) and and an expansion of the jobs systems. So, more organizational and "chain of command" additions. It's planned to be really customizable, so we can go for a more horizontal or vertical progression.
-Another part of orgs in the next update is going to be multi-org membership, which there's probably a bunch of you that will enjoy this.
-You'll be able to hide your org memberships (both main and not main), to allow for "spying." You'll be able to hide your orgs from each other, but apparently there will be some system where orgs can still see if you belong to orgs you don't "show" to create "interesting" (word they used) scenarios.

forum feedback stuffs
-no currency system for DFMv1, but it's being discussed as an option to play with upgrades
-if you're part of an org and the leader decided to empty the org bank account, liquidate all holdings, and run, there are no plans for the devs to step in and resolve this. Also devs quoted as saying "if you see an org with only 1 person with that kind of power, don't join it." So, don't kill me yet before the game starts so we can set up a proper org structure from the placeholder we currently have :P
-confirmed that you will be able to spoof your ID to get through some light police stuff
-we'll be able to cut communication to a policed system and fight it out there without NPC police interference, but it's supposed to be difficult

if the youtube link isn't working, look through the comments for a twitch link. Next week's main focus is the DFM itself.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:17 pm
by matsif
Sarantini wrote:Man that looks nice!
Does every ship have a different hud and interior?
not really sure yet (haven't found sources to confirm/deny), but considering how much effort they put in to the exterior (and interior) modeling, I wouldn't be surprised. The image I posted is the HUD for the hornet. My guess is all will be similar, but have their own flavors depending on the company who made the ship, along with some customization options.

Re: [Star Citizen] Chris Roberts is back in the gaming indus

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:38 pm
by Bock
I remember seeing an interview with one of the guys working on the HUDs on an old episode of WMH. I remember him saying that each ship will have a unique HUD, with each ship manufacturer having some unique aspects to their ships' HUD designs.